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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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and then some of you have been wondering, why have I drawn the conclusions I have from long hours of looking at not just this forum
Nope, no-one was wondering that, we already know you instantly dismiss all criticism of Israel as anti-semitism.


these posters single out Israel and by implication, Jews - they don't start topics and 'debate' endlessly about the numerous other countries that have immigration policies that specifically favour a particular ethnic group over others.


they're not bothered about any of those countries, and there's loads of them. They don't want to know about them. They single out and target Israel, and Israel only. If you ask me, the reason why they have a track record of doing this is obvious. For whatever reason, they don't like Jews.


People comment more about Israel precisely because they (and all of their staunch apologists like yourself) purport Israel to be an Island of civility in an Ocean of barbarism, consequently, they are held to a higher standard than country's that don't have millions of zealous advocates such as yourself. For the vast majority of Israel's critics in my experience, it has absolutely nothing to do with racism.


The OP may be an anti-semite (and I suspect that he might be from his advocacy of David Icke) but that doesn't lessen the impact of this news story, and he hasn't actually expressed any anti-Jewish sentiment, yet at least. If and when he does, he'll get banned, and the thread'll get closed.

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Having been shopping on the moor today, I am wondering why we have allowed our country to be so radically changed that I feel uncomfortable in the city I was born in. I can't remember anyone asking if we wanted this change but that is no excuse; we allowed ourselves to be cowed by the pc brigade and were terrified of being called a racist if we dared to speak our minds, so yes, I admire the Israelis for protecting their country.



Its happend because people like you voted for it,every time you vote liblabcon you vote for more of the same,its not rocket science is it, think next time you vote.

Having said that,its far too late now the damage is done and you and people like you have a lot to answer for,your grandchildren will pay the price of your folly.

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Once again a thread has been spoilt by juvenile trite comments.


It was really spoilt when you made a post totally unrelated to the OP.


You lament the change in the Sheffield demographic landscape? You're not familiar with change? Things change, I look in the mirror and I don't particularly like what I see compared to 20 years ago, but that's life and after I'm dead and gone I'm sure people like you will moan about the Martians landing even though they bring a cure for cancer :hihi:


What do you think Sheffield looked like 2000 years ago? 1000 years ago? Even 100 years ago.


Change means progress, some of it not all good but I'd rather live in Sheffield now than I would 100 years ago.


Incidentally, you're probably the product of immigration in some part yourself.

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Its happend because people like you voted for it,every time you vote liblabcon you vote for more of the same,its not rocket science is it, think next time you vote.

Having said that,its far too late now the damage is done and you and people like you have a lot to answer for,your grandchildren will pay the price of your folly.


..their grandchildren will hopefully be intelligent, free thinking individuals, liberated from the yolk of parochialism and petty nationalism. We'd all still be living in caves if your view had always been the preeminent one.

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My personal opinion is that this story has some interesting moralistic implications so sure I could not resist :)


On that we agree, however my only interest is keeping the lower orders firmly in their place :hihi:

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