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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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Why is anyone surprised that Israel wants to deport illegal immigrants? Surely any country wants only legal immigrants and wants to exclude illegal immigrants.


There is also the fact that Israel is a racially exclusive country based upon the Jewish belief that they are the "Chosen People" and Israel is the Land of Milk and Honey that was promised to them by God. It's racist, but it's the whole raison d'etre of the country.

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Why is anyone surprised that Israel wants to deport illegal immigrants? Surely any country wants only legal immigrants and wants to exclude illegal immigrants.


There is also the fact that Israel is a racially exclusive country based upon the Jewish belief that they are the "Chosen People" and Israel is the Land of Milk and Honey that was promised to them by God. It's racist, but it's the whole raison d'etre of the country.


This is a really interesting topic for me because on the one hand I think that keeping ones nation pure of its heritage is no less that one would expect of being of governance of any particular country but this story has the added irony that this country has a great deal of its peoples understanding and ethos based on victim hood than any other living civilization known to man and so should know far more on having a life and likely hood taken away from them as anybody alive.


Now I myself do not like the immigration and human rights crutch that certain people lean on but the fact that it is implemented by one of the most down trodden peoples in history gives me a chuckle that does not seem natural.

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Why is anyone surprised that Israel wants to deport illegal immigrants? Surely any country wants only legal immigrants and wants to exclude illegal immigrants.


There is also the fact that Israel is a racially exclusive country based upon the Jewish belief that they are the "Chosen People" and Israel is the Land of Milk and Honey that was promised to them by God. It's racist, but it's the whole raison d'etre of the country.


Indeed people lament this "racist" and "intolerant" nation because it is a Jewish state, yet it is the ONLY Jewish state, has a footprint smaller than Wales and a population about the same as London.


Actually the Jewish population of Israel is approx 75%, which for a state with Judaism as the official religion is not particularly exclusive, far less exclusive than the Muslim populations of Islamic states. In the Maldives for example, the law dictates that all (100%) of it's population is Muslim, it is illegal there to belong to any other religion.


Perhaps if the people that criticise Israel on the basis of being a "Jewish state" are genuinely concerned about it veracity of this blatent racism and intolerance, they may like to consider that for this being the only Jewish state on the planet, there are dozens of Islamic states where persecution of non-Muslims is rampant. However you won't find such practice in Israel where people are free to practice whatever religion they want to, because they have the freedom to choose unlike their other "religious state" opposite numbers in the Islamic world.

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I should have put Black non jews as even I know that black people are of many different religions, even black muslims as that is what I meant.

Now that you have jumped on that little mistake and done a merry dance answer me this,

What about the children of these immigrants who were born in Israel?

What happens to them when their parents get deported, are they forcefully deported too even though they may have been born there?


Not sure, but if we get bogged down by every individuals plight and sad story, we won't get anywhere. My opinion is, if they're illegal, they shouldn't be there, kids or no kids.


Democracy my arse, the world see's the Israeli gov policy for what it is as do I.


Great, its still a democracy. By saying it isn't, is not likely to change that fact fyi.

Using the excuse of security and continuously using the past to justify it's illegal actions only strenghens the veiw of some of what the Israeli Gov policy is.

Thats great also. Security is paramount in Israel - you may have noticed they have a point surrounded by agressors and intolerance. No of course you haven't.


Israel can't claim to be a democracy while also violating numerous international laws and not declaring what nuclear/chemical weapons they hold and before you come out with the muslim country's are no better bit I will say it for you, certain muslim countries need to get their house in order as well.

Democracy is one thing, it is a democracy, this is a fact. Weapons declerations is another (irrelevant) point entirely. One thing has nothing to do with another. Weird logic.


Yes Jewish people did suffer badly in the past as I was taught about the Holocaust in school but using it as an excuse to commit crimes doesn't do Israel any favours.


Which crimes is Israel GUILTY of? Note guilty and accused are two different things.


One anti-Semitic theme that is becoming too common, is people belittling the holocaust, based on when it happened. I didn't know there was a cut-off date to say when it becomes time to move on. As there are survivors of the holocaust, and heroes who liberated the camps still with us, i would say it is still important to remember and commemorate. But to say Israel commits crimes based on the mass extermmination of Jews, is absolute garbage, and you show yourself up nicely.


i doubt you've been to Israel, so that means you've never been to the "Palestinian" territories either, meaning your twisted view on Israel is basically meaningless, useless, and based on lies and exaggeration, and not the facts on the ground.

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Perhaps if the people that criticise Israel on the basis of being a "Jewish state" are genuinely concerned about it veracity of this blatent racism and intolerance, they may like to consider that for this being the only Jewish state on the planet, there are dozens of Islamic states where persecution of non-Muslims is rampant. However you won't find such practice in Israel where people are free to practice whatever religion they want to, because they have the freedom to choose unlike their other "religious state" opposite numbers in the Islamic world.

Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that two wrongs make a right. I guess I'll just ignore this disgusting policy of Israels because Muslims are worse then, yeah that makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:

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Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that two wrongs make a right. I guess I'll just ignore this disgusting policy of Israels because Muslims are worse then, yeah that makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:


Which disgusting policy are you talking about? A sovereign democratic state setting it's own immigration policy and enforcing it?


Yup that's just darn disgusting ain't it.

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I am the original poster and would like to point out that this subject is not about Jews, Muslims or any other religion, this is about the state of Israel's government, I'm also critical of the government in this country and that of the US... That doesn't mean I have anything against the people of this country or the people of the US. The term anti-semite is bandied around by Israel apologists as an 'covers every argument' solution but I doubt they actually know what a semite is, some arabs are semites but then we are dealing with the (usually common purpose trained) ignorant few who cannot escape the brainwashing.

Nothing anti-semitic here (I'm sorry to disappoint) just criticism of a government.

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I am the original poster and would like to point out that this subject is not about Jews, Muslims or any other religion, this is about the state of Israel's government, I'm also critical of the government in this country and that of the US... That doesn't mean I have anything against the people of this country or the people of the US. The term anti-semite is bandied around by Israel apologists as an 'covers every argument' solution but I doubt they actually know what a semite is, some arabs are semites but then we are dealing with the (usually common purpose trained) ignorant few who cannot escape the brainwashing.

Nothing anti-semitic here (I'm sorry to disappoint) just criticism of a government.


Yep; absolutely nothing wrong in what you've said. The Zionists will cry 'racism' and 'anti-semite' at anyone criticising the Israeli government's vile actions.


Thankfully many people are disgusted at their abuse of that race-card.

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I am the original poster and would like to point out that this subject is not about Jews, Muslims or any other religion, this is about the state of Israel's government, I'm also critical of the government in this country and that of the US... That doesn't mean I have anything against the people of this country or the people of the US. The term anti-semite is bandied around by Israel apologists as an 'covers every argument' solution but I doubt they actually know what a semite is, some arabs are semites but then we are dealing with the (usually common purpose trained) ignorant few who cannot escape the brainwashing.

Nothing anti-semitic here (I'm sorry to disappoint) just criticism of a government.


But it’s the government that the people of Israel want, so to criticise the government is to criticise the people that elected them.

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