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Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation

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But it’s the government that the people of Israel want, so to criticise the government is to criticise the people that elected them.


"want" and "have no plausible alternative/are manipulated into voting for"are two separate things.

It's being badly handled but it needs to happen, just not in this way.

People shouldn't be offended by others criticising their government but yes you are right most Israelis see it as an international condemnation of them which only serves to make them more radical.

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"want" and "have no plausible alternative/are manipulated into voting for"are two separate things.

It's being badly handled but it needs to happen, just not in this way.

People shouldn't be offended by others criticising their government but yes you are right most Israelis see it as an international condemnation of them which only serves to make them more radical.


I wouldn’t think many Israelis read SF so I doubt many would see it has international condemnation, and I don’t know any Israelis so I couldn’t possibly know what they think. All I know is they have a right to choose their own government and that government as a right to decide which policies suit its people.

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I wouldn't say I was "wobbly" but as I came out of Boots on the moor, I just looked around and in that moment I could have been in a foreign country, everyone around me was another race, none were speaking English, so yes it was disturbing. Two questions struck me, what has happened to Sheffield and why are these foreigners allowed to come here when there is obviously no work for them.


The following responses to my post demonstrate just how bullies operate on this forum


What, you waffling on about the moor and darkies has relevance to the thread title?


I never mentioned colour, just that I was surrounded by foreigners, do not ascribe your own prejudices to me.



Its happend because people like you voted for it,every time you vote liblabcon you vote for more of the same,its not rocket science is it, think next time you vote.

Having said that,its far too late now the damage is done and you and people like you have a lot to answer for,your grandchildren will pay the price of your folly.


How on earth do you know who or what I vote for, instead of posting your ill- informed and worthless judgements of someone you know nothing about, why don't you add something useful to the debate, tell us how you think the situation could be remedied if inded you feel that the situation needs to be remedied.


It was really spoilt when you made a post totally unrelated to the OP.


You lament the change in the Sheffield demographic landscape? You're not familiar with change? Things change, I look in the mirror and I don't particularly like what I see compared to 20 years ago, but that's life and after I'm dead and gone I'm sure people like you will moan about the Martians landing even though they bring a cure for cancer :hihi:


What do you think Sheffield looked like 2000 years ago? 1000 years ago? Even 100 years ago.


Change means progress, some of it not all good but I'd rather live in Sheffield now than I would 100 years ago.


Incidentally, you're probably the product of immigration in some part yourself.


It's typical of someone who can post such inane ramblings to accused another of spoiling the thread because something is posted that they disagree with.

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Yep; absolutely nothing wrong in what you've said. The Zionists will cry 'racism' and 'anti-semite' at anyone criticising the Israeli government's vile actions.


Thankfully many people are disgusted at their abuse of that race-card.


And there are people that cry 'Zionists' at anyone defending Israel.

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By defending Israel's murderous rampage against the Palestinians, then one must accept some criticism.


lol CXC..


Not when you choose to describe Israels defending itself as a murderous rampage. Thats just patently untrue. So yeah, criticize Israel on what she does, not what she hasn't. If you have to resort to lies and gross exaggeration, you've lost.

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Yep; absolutely nothing wrong in what you've said. The Zionists will cry 'racism' and 'anti-semite' at anyone criticising the Israeli government's vile actions.


Thankfully many people are disgusted at their abuse of that race-card.


get back on the bodybuilding forum, its more fun there. :)

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No doubt the poster you're addressing this to, will blatantly ignore what you've said, and instead concentrate on the 'beauties' of the Israeli regime :cool:


I would imagin the first thing they will do is try to find out if this story is true, maybe by looking for a source that they trust. I didn't find one, no UK news reports despite the fact a UK gernalist was suposadly on the boat. :suspect:

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