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Why, oh why, oh why!

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Originally posted by robh

Why is Sam Miguel's hovercraft full of eels?

Why don't the council provide an eels from hovercraft removal service?

It's from a Monty Python scetch about a bloke with a phrase book with lots of crummy translations. The other one is too "I will not buy this record it is scratched" Not to mention the phrase "Fondle my buttocks" but no-one wanted that one on the end of their posts!


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Im quite cheeky... :wink: ...I leave all the wrong number folks rambling away on the answering machine before I can be bothered to pick up and tell em :P

Our home phone number must be very similar to a dentists cos we reliably get frantic people coming up with all sorts of excuses as to why theyre not coming for their appointment!

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

Why oh why when you have sucessfully nagivated your way around a particularly nasty icy street without slipping do you then trip over your own goddamn shoelace!!!!!! :P


I think that's just you ;)

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