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£13 million pounds to support problem Families

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It's interesting why people are mentioning SCC when this is a central government initiative. Is it because SCC are currently under a Labour administration and central government is currently Conservative, would you be saying the same thing if both governments were Conservative, a party which the other day you said you have no love for?


It may be a government initiative but the money is being offered to councils, including SCC, to clear up problem families. As I have said many times on SF Sheffield City Council are masters at what Nimrod accurately describes as the "poverty industry".


Over the last 30 years SCC have made a very good living out of manufacturing problems they can then employ people not to solve. I have repeatedly called it a double and even triple dependency. Create people dependant on handouts (dependancy 1) and create jobs dependant on working with those problem families (dependancy 2) and even bring in outsiders such as A4e to help as well (dependancy 3). Creating poverty is all a Labour Sheffield City Council can do and they are very very good at it. The last thing they want is the government interfering in their well thought out scam.

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I am betting SCC doesn't want this money at all. You see problem families are a source of jobs for the council. No problem families means no jobs for social workers, outreach workers, carers, managers and a whole host of other so called service providers. Politicians also make good use of having problem families. All these people make a very good living claiming to be helping while all the time they are secretly working to make sure the problem families stay a problem. Why else would Sheffield's Education be almost the worst in the country and nobody is doing anything about it? In fact the Director of Children's Services has been allowed to go walkabout in Australia for a year.


Do doctors deliberately break the limbs of people so they can be employed as doctors, or police go out and commit crime so they can be paid to investigate crime? There may be accidents caused by doctors, and some police may be corrupt, but that's very different to what you're saying.

'They are secretly working to make sure that problem families stay a problem', are you serious!

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There may be accidents caused by doctors, and some police may be corrupt, but that's very different to what you're saying.

'They are secretly working to make sure that problem families stay a problem', are you serious!


Deadly serious. I have bitter personal experience of education and social services deliberately and maliciously using so called Multi Agency Support Teams to break up families and cause mental health problems which they can then step in to try and solve. Of course, they fail miserably but lots of people get employed in the process and the families are left to try and pick up the pieces themselves. Hard to believe isn't it in this day and age? Of course, you don't want to believe it but it is happening and it is happening today somewhere in the city. And where is the Director of Children's Services who is so committed to the health and wellbeing of the city's children? She is in Australia.


The evidence for it is all around you. Bad education and getting worse, not better. SCC turning away inward investment that might bring employment and wealth. I have said it before: Labour do not want the people of this city to be educated and employed because well off, educated people do not vote Labour.

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Deadly serious. I have bitter personal experience of education and social services deliberately and maliciously using so called Multi Agency Support Teams to break up families and cause mental health problems which they can then step in to try and solve. Of course, they fail miserably but lots of people get employed in the process and the families are left to try and pick up the pieces themselves. Hard to believe isn't it in this day and age? Of course, you don't want to believe it but it is happening and it is happening today somewhere in the city. And where is the Director of Children's Services who is so committed to the health and wellbeing of the city's children? She is in Australia.


The evidence for it is all around you. Bad education and getting worse, not better. SCC turning away inward investment that might bring employment and wealth. I have said it before: Labour do not want the people of this city to be educated and employed because well off, educated people do not vote Labour.


I think you will find the social group you are talking about, most of them don't even bother to vote.

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Deadly serious. I have bitter personal experience of education and social services deliberately and maliciously using so called Multi Agency Support Teams to break up families and cause mental health problems which they can then step in to try and solve. Of course, they fail miserably but lots of people get employed in the process and the families are left to try and pick up the pieces themselves. Hard to believe isn't it in this day and age? Of course, you don't want to believe it but it is happening and it is happening today somewhere in the city. And where is the Director of Children's Services who is so committed to the health and wellbeing of the city's children? She is in Australia.


The evidence for it is all around you. Bad education and getting worse, not better. SCC turning away inward investment that might bring employment and wealth. I have said it before: Labour do not want the people of this city to be educated and employed because well off, educated people do not vote Labour.


I think you'll find there are enough problem families out there without social workers making more. Any social workers I know would love a lighter case load, and work damned hard to try and help people. Some people simply can't / won't be helped.


As for bad education, I assure you it isn't for the want of trying on the part of the teachers. But the problems are huge and endemic, starting at birth and involving all sorts of problems. And getting worse.


I'd like to see less tolerance for anti social behaviour, and tougher social workers with a broader view of life. Too many are meek, middle class females who only try to see the good in people. A kick up the backside and some straight talking often does more good than the touchy feely approach.

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Deadly serious. I have bitter personal experience of education and social services deliberately and maliciously using so called Multi Agency Support Teams to break up families and cause mental health problems which they can then step in to try and solve. Of course, they fail miserably but lots of people get employed in the process and the families are left to try and pick up the pieces themselves. Hard to believe isn't it in this day and age? Of course, you don't want to believe it but it is happening and it is happening today somewhere in the city. And where is the Director of Children's Services who is so committed to the health and wellbeing of the city's children? She is in Australia.


The evidence for it is all around you. Bad education and getting worse, not better. SCC turning away inward investment that might bring employment and wealth. I have said it before: Labour do not want the people of this city to be educated and employed because well off, educated people do not vote Labour.


Apart from champagne socialists that you bitterly complained about :roll:

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Well fell for that tabloid one didn't you? Show you something to victimise and they crawl out of the cesspit.


Divide and rule, give the morons a target to hate, and like sheep they follow blindly


What about the billions to the banks, what do you think quantitative easing is all about, having a good Sh*t? Well sort of….. as the result is that you have all bee Sh*t on. Why because its more PUBLIC debt that you will pay through higher taxes, thus higher fuel, food and power prices. The banks get billions, and you never see a penny of it.


Quantitative easing is giving billions of your future earnings to the banks, and what do the headless chicken brigade prattle on about? Chicken feed to problem families, that the morons would prefer burned in public, which your comments display adequately.


The idea is to focus attention onto scapegoats, while the real money is snatched, or just handed over to the banks while you all squabble.


You fall for it every time it seems!

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Well fell for that tabloid one didn't you? Show you something to victimise and they crawl out of the cesspit.


Divide and rule, give the morons a target to hate, and like sheep they follow blindly


What about the billions to the banks, what do you think quantitative easing is all about, having a good Sh*t? Well sort of….. as the result is that you have all bee Sh*t on. Why because its more PUBLIC debt that you will pay through higher taxes, thus higher fuel, food and power prices. The banks get billions, and you never see a penny of it.


Quantitative easing is giving billions of your future earnings to the banks, and what do the headless chicken brigade prattle on about? Chicken feed to problem families, that the morons would prefer burned in public, which your comments display adequately.


The idea is to focus attention onto scapegoats, while the real money is snatched, or just handed over to the banks while you all squabble.


You fall for it every time it seems!




Nurse!! Erebus is out of bed again.

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