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Twisted Beer Festival - great beers all summer!

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Over the summer months The Wick at Both Ends and The Harley will be hosting the Twisted Beer Festival, a festival focussed on unique and fantastic bottled beers from around the world.


The festival will cover six different regions of the world, aiming to introduce you to styles of beer that you may not have tried, and showcasing the best from each region.


Taking a trip around the world from the British Isles, to Trappist and Abbey Belgium, through Europe, Asia and the Southern Hemisphere before finishing in North America, the festival promises to provide a wide and interesting selection of beers. Each region will have a fortnight dedicated to it, and will feature six bottled beers, available at both The Wick and The Harley.


The Twisted Beer Festival will run from Monday 18th June to Sunday 16th September and all beers will be available in both The Wick at Both Ends and The Harley.


To find out more visit the websites or the Facebook pages.



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Hey all,


Sorry, we are situated on West Street - opposite Subway.


The first fortnight of the Twisted Beer Festival is focused on the British Isles and runs from Mon 18th June until Sun 1st July. The six British Isles beers are as follows:


Innis and Gunn Rum Cask: Rum Cask is fun, vibrant and spicy. Who would have thought that rum and beer would work so well?? The unique combination of specially brewed beer, rum and oak that just makes this beer sing! £4.70.


Robinsons Old Tom: Recognised, both nationally and internationally, as one of the most famous strong ales, winning some of the industry’s most prestigious awards including World’s Best Ale. £4.70.


Spitfire: Originally brewed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, its characteristically Kentish, hoppy flavour and risque advertising campaign has made it a firm favourite with beer lovers. £4.30.


Banana Bread Beer: This unique brew combines all the traditional qualities and style of a Charles Wells beer with the subtle flavour of banana. £4.10.


Worthington White Shield: Worthington’s White Shield is a multi-award winning beer. To date, no other beer has won this many awards, showing how consistently great tasting this beer is. £5.90.


Bradfield Farmers Blonde: Currently a top seller, this very pale brilliant blonde beer has citrus and summer fruit aromas making it an extremely refreshing ale. £4.50.


Remember, get hold of a Twisted Beer Festival passport from The Harley or the Wick. Buy five of the beers and get the sixth free each fortnight!


2nd July - 15th July is Abbey and Trappist Belgium, and we've got some stonkers for you. We'll post up the beer list nearer the time.



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I doubt Farmers Blonde would be a top seller if it was £4.50 a pint everywhere else in Sheffield. Jeez! In fact its all a bit spenny! Also the Graffiti on the wall at the Wick at Both Ends looks shocking, i like the vibe inside so not sure where the idea for that shash came from! Cant you get the boy who did it to come back and just paint it brown or something? I like the brown vibez inside.

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A few bars around Kelham Island have many different ales on draft, better than bottles and at half the price !!! The Sheaf View, White Lyon, The Broadfield.... a proper pint doesn't cost more than £3.00 ish


Can't see many people paying £4.50 for Farmers Blonde ...

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