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The employment myth

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It’s a bright future while you play the optimistic game thus having not to think about reality.


So being lied to and lapping it up seems all the rage. If it ain’t the unemployed, the pensioners, single mothers, the ignorant and the other worthless to look down on, which is of course just a smokescreen, for the semi literate.


So where are the jobs going to come from? Joining the war machine, if you are young and impressionable enough to be a statistic. So industry, well that is about to boom, all that investment, the private sector charging into prosperity, or is it.


Where are the jobs coming from?


Industry? No!


Working for the DHSS? No.


Working in burger bars? Maybe


Being a celebrity? I think not!


Cleaning roads and pavements? Well they are being cut.


Local government? They are being sacked by the thousand!


The booming building industry, homes for the unemployed, the kids with rich parents??


Starting a business on your own, trying to sell to employed people with shrinking salaries? Brownnosing council members, with backhander for that contract? Maybe!


So education, health, local government, Council work, and all associated work, as in local housing, road maintenance, all being cut, so businesses previously relying on such laying off.


So where is the growth to come from? Ever thought about it? Your job is always under threat if you do not work for yourself, as a million people with degrees are unemployed, never mind the skilled tradesmen who got the boot, and are looking at your job, willing to work for less. With the law now changing so one can sack unproductive people, how long term is you job?


So if you have not got a Ma, or PhD in maths or physics then the banking sector will not bother with you, unless you are after a cleaning job, or car washing.


Where is the magic to come from? Who are the employment magicians.


There will be growth in police, prisons or course, not forgetting security, at minimum wage till they stop that lark too. Who knows maybe they will employ some people to build a space station on the moon……

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Where are the jobs coming from?




According to one DWP work provider course I was on recently there are plenty of jobs out there.


They put up a pie chart showing that 85% of the jobs available are not advertised. When asked how they knew the exact figure when no jobs have been advertised there was a silence, then I was told I was just being awkward. This was from a person employed as a consultant.


Looks like some of those jobs will be for the likes of him.

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I actually think that Erebus has a fair point !


Any new jobs will have to created by new or expanding business , and innovation needs a chance to thrive . The banks are controlling all the money though , so maybe we need to start thinking differently so we can explore ways of freeing our reliance on the current banking system , radical though that sounds !


I've come across a YouTube video called 97% Owned - be warned , it's an hour long but is a really interesting documentary which has really opened my eyes to the way we have been deceived and manipulated by the banks .


It explains how the housing bubble was manipulated , and explains why house prices are so high now , meaning young people don't have a chance of getting on the property ladder ( and "mortgage" means debt until death ).


Worth a watch if you've got an hour and care anything about the future !

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People don't seem to realise that these jobs are never coming back.


Remember all those programmes like Tomorrow's World that said we would be living lives of leisure in the future due to automisation of factories and computerisation? Well what they didn't tell anyone was that the leisure would be forced onto an underclass on benefits whilst the increased profits from the reduced wages paid to a reduced labour force would be shared by a minority of people.


I can't see the current situation lasting forever before people get really piszed off and revolt.

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I actually think that Erebus has a fair point !


Any new jobs will have to created by new or expanding business , and innovation needs a chance to thrive . The banks are controlling all the money though , so maybe we need to start thinking differently so we can explore ways of freeing our reliance on the current banking system , radical though that sounds !


I've come across a YouTube video called 97% Owned - be warned , it's an hour long but is a really interesting documentary which has really opened my eyes to the way we have been deceived and manipulated by the banks .


It explains how the housing bubble was manipulated , and explains why house prices are so high now , meaning young people don't have a chance of getting on the property ladder ( and "mortgage" means debt until death ).


Worth a watch if you've got an hour and care anything about the future !



This video is only 4 minutes ;)

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In the economy as a whole there are approx 500,000 vacancies. Not all of the are full-time. Some are only a handful of hours per week. 2.5m unemployed. Millions on ESA they want to convert to JSA. Figures massaged to exclude thoese part-timers who want full-time work. Figures massaged by keeping people as students. Net immigration rising. Nothing for 18-24 year olds. Manufacturing decreasing. Construction decreasing. Retail in a nosedive. Financial sector effectively insolvent.


There is no point pretending there are enough jobs because it isn't true. End of story.

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There are a significant number of vacancies in the private sector, if the applicant has the correct skill set.


Unfortunately, for years, successive governments have been steering our young adults into meaningless degrees at second rate universities.


There are no jobs for graduates with "soft" degrees such as Media Studies and Social Science, but there are a significant number of vacancies in Engineering, R&D etc. most paying decent salaries.


Until the universities are forced to teach the courses that the country needs and not the subjects they can easily fill: and charge for; this will continue to be the case.


Blame for this parlous state of affairs can also be lain at door of teachers who have no experience outwith the educational sector and are totally unequiped to offer cogent careers advice to our youth.

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I have a real good (small) idea to help our energy needs and create some employment but have no idea how to get someone serious to take the idea forward. I don't want to take it to someone who just wants to make loads of money out of it, I would much prefer someone to do it for doing its sake.


I am not money orientated so don't want to get had over by one of these development companies, I have had the idea for years and it may or may not be able to be implemented or even be as beneficial as I imagine, but I am passionate about having it tried out by someone.


Anyone got Richard Bransons number? :D

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