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Can you help Roman?

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Hello everyone i am trying to help raise money for my friend and his family please read his story below and if you can donate what you can please


My 3 year old nephew Roman has a rare brain tumour and needs to fly out to the USA for treatment in the next couple of weeks. He has already had 3 brain surgery operations since November and now requires Proton Beam Therapy. The type of brain tumour he has got is extremely rare the treatment he needs is only available in America.


We are raising money to fly my sister, her husband and their 2 other boys out to the USA whilst Roman has his treatment. They will need to spend 3 months out there with Roman receiving treatment everyday.


My sister and husband will have no income whilst they are away and still have all bills, their mortgage and the cost of living to pay for. All this on top of the day to day costs of living out in America.


For those that know me already know how much all my nephews mean to me. I really need your help in raising this money. Please donate anything you can to our site http://www.gofundme.com/nyv40.


We only have a couple of weeks before they fly so you need to donate now and get raising what you can right now.


Thanks in advance for your support it will be greatly appreciated

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I'm sorry I can't help but I just wanted to pass on my best wishes to all of you. I hope you raise what you need and he gets the treatment. How much do you need if you don't mind my asking? Are there any companies/organisations that might be able to help with a donation or grant? If you can't raise the money would anywhere be prepared to offer you a loan? Have you contacted your MP to see if they can help? Would the hospital be willing to fund it, even partially? Sending love and good thoughts to you all xx

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Hi. He looks a lovely little boy. Have you contacted The Star and Telegraph to do a feature? Also Radio Sheffield? Also local community groups, the school where his brother attends? - They might have a sponsored event, non-uniform day, or something that might be able to be organised reasonably quickly. I would also contact local businesses and tell them you will give them a mention of thanks in the Star newspaper feature?


I'm also thinking there might be charities/organisations that can help with the funding too. I was told many years ago that banks have a list of charities that can help in these circumstances, not sure if this is still true, but there must be someone who could advise you on what charities/organisations might be able to help.


Maybe local shops and pubs would be willing to have a collection box if you took them a poster to display? Maybe the Head Office of where his parents work?


I wish you, your nephew, and family, every success.

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<<I'm on my phone and only have a 510 character limit so this post might be in two parts>>


I've been doing a bit of searching online and I've come across something called an 'Individual Funding Request'. From what I can gather, these requests are made by your doctor to the local PCT to ask for funding for procedures (established ones only, no experimental ones) in exceptional circumstances, that aren't usually offered to patients - including treatment abroad......

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........Most of the information about IFR are in PDF documents, which I can't read on my phone. Unfortunately thats where most of the detailed information/criteria, etc. is, so if I've raised your hopes I'm sorry. But its worth looking into maybe? Or ask the doctors about it to see whether Roman would be eligible for a request. If successful, I would assume it would only cover the treatment itself, but that would be something :)

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