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Christian psychotherapist caught trying to "cure" homosexuality

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I suppose its the fault of all!! Christians. :sad:


If for example we were discussing a Muslim's views on homosexuality, women, paedophilia, etc, then some Christians on here would label all Muslims as homophobic, mysoginistic paedophiles. Therefore, in the instance of fairness and balance, if we're discussing a Christian's views on homosexuality or women priests or child sex abuse by priests then in the eyes of these Christians it would be hypocritical not to tar all Christians with the same brush.

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Lol ! - what a silly analogy.

Not really. It forced you to move your position from "the norm" to "accepted norms", so you could understand how weak your original point was. ;)


If homosexuality is a natural part of evolution, what purpose does it serve in a society where birth ratio boys:girls is almost perfectly split?

There is no "if" about it; homosexuality serves an evolutionary purpose. The main theory is that it addresses the imbalance of males in a society*, and there are sub hypotheses about genetics being of benefit to keep women fertile.


Also, in modern times every state, feeling, emotion, everything, even obesity is being blamed on mental imbalances

No it isn't.

Who is doing this "blaming"?


men [...] as we're big hairy sweaty smelly horrible aggressive things. :)

Speak for yourself. ;)



* You comment on this yourself, I see. :)

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At what point did you consciously decide that you would be sexually attracted to women?


Probably when I became an adult :D


What, you DECIDED to be attracted to women? I've never met anybody who had to decide who they find attractive. If there is a normal way that your God intended us to be attracted to people, I would say that is NOT the way. And you're the one claiming that homosexuals have the psychological problem!

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What, you DECIDED to be attracted to women? I've never met anybody who had to decide who they find attractive. If there is a normal way that your God intended us to be attracted to people, I would say that is NOT the way. And you're the one claiming that homosexuals have the psychological problem!


It's interesting that the poster makes it sound like he/she's bisexual.

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What, you DECIDED to be attracted to women? I've never met anybody who had to decide who they find attractive. If there is a normal way that your God intended us to be attracted to people, I would say that is NOT the way. And you're the one claiming that homosexuals have the psychological problem!


The decision would be subconscious so you would be unaware of making the decision, but it still happens in the mind which is why your decision would be psychological. The subconscious decision will be based on how your brain and mind developed which in some part can be changed. One theory is that a gay mans brain is closer to a straight females brain than that of a straight man. I personally don’t see what the problem is with psychologists trying to help people that are unhappy with their sexuality.

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Any source?


I quick Google found this.


Gay men and heterosexual women have similarly shaped brains, research shows.


Lesbians and heterosexual men show same pattern.

Striking similarities between the brains of gay men and straight women have been discovered by neuroscientists, offering fresh evidence that sexual orientation is hardwired into our neural circuitry.


Scans reveal homosexual men and heterosexual women have symmetrical brains, with the right and left hemispheres almost exactly the same size. Conversely, lesbians and straight men have asymmetrical brains, with the right hemisphere significantly larger than the left.

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Not really. It forced you to move your position from "the norm" to "accepted norms", so you could understand how weak your original point was. ;)



There is no "if" about it; homosexuality serves an evolutionary purpose. The main theory is that it addresses the imbalance of males in a society*, and there are sub hypotheses about genetics being of benefit to keep women fertile.



No it isn't.

Who is doing this "blaming"?



Speak for yourself. ;)



* You comment on this yourself, I see. :)


So "complete" homosexuality has been around forever? Where gay males would ONLY mate with other males?

What evidence suggests that it benefits females and keeps them more fertile?

In the animal kingdom, the more different males a female mates with the better it is for the genetic diversity of that species.

Does that mean that homosexual males have worse genes that heterosexuals?

It was clearly an evolutionary disadvantage to homosexuals themselves as it prevented them from passing on their genetics. Does that mean they are "taking one for the team" for the benefit of everyone else?

That would seem a rather cruel twist of evolution/mutation condemning a group of individuals to be the last of their lineage.

If people are born gay, as in the nature versus nurture debate, wouldn't that point to different hardwiring of the brain which could in fact be seen as a mental disadvantage/deficiency?

Another question I have is, as it's definitely possible to raise a child to be homosexual, proved by the south pacific cultures with Fa'afafines who are raised as females to do the housework and end up being gay, why are we looking for genetic reasons and excuses?

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So "complete" homosexuality has been around forever? Where gay males would ONLY mate with other males?

I couldn't answer that. 'Forever' is beyond my knowledge.


I can assume that if there are people now who only wish to have sex with their own gender, then the same was true in the past. Would that be a wrong assumption?


What evidence suggests that it benefits females and keeps them more fertile?

A few here: Google search


New Scientist says:


Even if homosexuality does reduce reproductive success, as most people assume, there are plenty of possible reasons why it is so common. For instance, gene variants that cause homosexual behaviour might have other, beneficial effects such as boosting fertility in women, as one recent study suggests, just as the gene variant for sickle-cell anaemia is maintained because it reduces the severity of malaria. Homosexuality could also be a result of females preferring males with certain tendencies - sexual selection can favour traits that reduce overall fitness, such as the peacock's tail


Does that mean that homosexual males have worse genes that heterosexuals?

What do you mean by "worse"?

What are "bad genes", and what makes them "worse"?


It was clearly an evolutionary disadvantage to homosexuals themselves as it prevented them from passing on their genetics.

Sexuality isn't absolute, as you've hinted at yourself.


I'm not addressing all your other points individually. "Taking one for the team" is a real scientific analysis. ;) Nature/evolution is cruel to render many people the "last of their line". It's rendered all species to death.


Another question I have is, as it's definitely possible to raise a child to be homosexual, proved by the south pacific cultures with Fa'afafines who are raised as females to do the housework and end up being gay

I'll look into that, but at the minute I'd dispute that it is possible to raise a child to have a seperate sexuality to what would've occured naturally. Have you got any sources to the Fa'afafines?

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