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Obesity epidemic. Stuffing yourself to blame?

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I think you have an awfully prejudiced view of fat people. You seem to automatically jump to the conclusion that they must be frequently 'gorging on takeaways' and 'lazy'. Do you make presumptions about any other 'type' based on their appearance? Black, short, big-nosed, glasses-wearing, perhaps? As a fatty, I take offence. My size rocketed whilst I was at my most active and hardworking, and doing 60 hour weeks because I was always tired and stressed and too knackered and no time to buy food and cook it. So you can stick your 'lazy' theory where the sun doesn't shine. Who is the lazy one, jumping to conclusions and tarring everyone with the same brush?


I lost a lot of weight when I joined Slimming World. For the first few weeks I constantly got chastised by the leader as I was not eating enough! As soon as I ate as often as they prescribed instead of grabbing food in the evening, after not getting chance in the day, then I started losing weight. My body had gone in to starvation mode and was basically storing everything I ate because I wasn't eating for hours at a time. Yes, it was stupid, but I thought the less I ate the slimmer I would become, but it's not as simple as that. I still wasn't 'gorging on takeaways' or inactive though, not at all.




I don't have a prejudice view on the overwieght, because in my experience some of the fittest people I have seen are people classed as overweight.


The example I used was with ever more people who cannot leave the house (you see it in the news) and spend £100 a week on takaways, I asked "who is getting the takeaway on their behalf" and another person replied "it was being delivered"


So to me, a good target in the first instance would be to get yourself into a position where you can "get to the takeaway" and buy the food, this would involve weight loss in the first instance and of course, lead onto exercise as the person would be walking to and from the takeaway.


And in order to keep having takeaways, the person would need to keep in some form of fitness (the walking) in order to be able to make thier way to and from the takeaway.. This could be an initial target for that person.


Another person cited poverty as being anothe reason, if someone is able to pay to have a takeaway delivered then they must be eating a heck of a lot of food, because my local only does free deliverys if you have an order for over £10. If you get your food from the legendary Canton King in HIllsborough, then even the biggest food fan would have all on eating ONE of thier takeaways, never mind 2 or 3 at a sitin.


And again, if someone is spending £100 on takeaways, they must be quite cash rich. SOmetimes being cruel to be kind in the early stages, is the best thing in the long run

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Don't forget all you smug skinny people, it's quite possible you look thin but have great fat deposits on the inside damaging your internal organs, as with the presenter on the 'Men who made us fat' programme, (who also said he watched his diet and exercised, so was shocked by the results,) found out when he had an MRI scan.


So it's not as straightforward as you think.

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Second part of 'The men who made us fat' on BBC2 last night.


Looking at the issue of portion control and fast food. Since when was it acceptable to eat food out of a bucket? Very interesting.


People would be too embarassed to ask for a second helping, so they put it in with the first and raise the price, but not to double, so people think they're also getting a bargain.


Drinks only used to be served in 6 fl oz, now you can buy them in 60+ fl oz and they are still in a cup shaped container to be consumed in one sitting.


Anyone for one of those coffees that come in a washing up bowl? Same principle applies.


People are losing sight of what a real 'portion' should actually be.

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Food companies only sell what people want.


I ate a whole chocolate roll last weekend, and whos fault was that? it was mine because I'm a greedy pig at the weekend.


I knew how much I was eating because it was on my plate. If for the following 7 days I'd been sedentary, then its likely I would be piling on the pounds.


The only reason there is an obesity epedemic is because people sit on their bottoms all day and stuff their faces.


Even schoolkids no longer walk to school, they get driven to and from the school. Even if kids walked to and from school, that would be a step in the right direction

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Food companies only sell what people want.I ate a whole chocolate roll last weekend, and whos fault was that? it was mine because I'm a greedy pig at the weekend.


I knew how much I was eating because it was on my plate. If for the following 7 days I'd been sedentary, then its likely I would be piling on the pounds.


The only reason there is an obesity epedemic is because people sit on their bottoms all day and stuff their faces.


Even schoolkids no longer walk to school, they get driven to and from the school. Even if kids walked to and from school, that would be a step in the right direction


Or do they make them want what they are selling?


After all, that is the whole point of advertising and marketing, a very powerful and psychologically based industry.

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Or do they make them want what they are selling?


After all, that is the whole point of advertising and marketing, a very powerful and psychologically based industry.


Can't blame advertising pressure for a lack of self-control.

There's no reason to consume more calories than you burn. Only gluttony. And there's no reason not to burn more calories than you consume. Only sloth.


For fat people who want to become thin I'm thinking of setting up work camps. The costs will be set to your weekly food bill, you'll have to sign a kidnap waiver and you must be willing to eat only celery. There'll be no ridiculous programs spouting spectacular theories to explain it away. PM me if interested :)

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Even schoolkids no longer walk to school, they get driven to and from the school. Even if kids walked to and from school, that would be a step in the right direction


In primary school a couple of years ago one of my kids was the only one out of 30 kids in his class who walked to and from school every day. Of course below a certain age the parents need to escort kids to school so the parents were missing out on the exercise walking their kids to and fromn school as well. I can't get my head round it.


Our ex-next door neighbour used to take the dog for a walk to a field about 200m away. She drove to the field and stood there watching while the dog ran around a bit. Then drove back. She used to drive to get a paper too - to a shop 100m away.

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In primary school a couple of years ago one of my kids was the only one out of 30 kids in his class who walked to and from school every day. Of course below a certain age the parents need to escort kids to school so the parents were missing out on the exercise walking their kids to and fromn school as well. I can't get my head round it.


Our ex-next door neighbour used to take the dog for a walk to a field about 200m away. She drove to the field and stood there watching while the dog ran around a bit. Then drove back. She used to drive to get a paper too - to a shop 100m away.



Yes but if she was fat, it's only because trans fats and corn syrup are put in everything as a malicious attempt to make everyone fat. :)


It's also become socially acceptable to be fat. People used to be repulsed by it. Now it's the norm. Tv shows and films are full of fat people. People are bombarded with images of fatness, constantly.

Maybe if they banned it from tv, like cigarette advertising, it would be less popular. :)

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Yes but if she was fat, it's only because trans fats and corn syrup are put in everything as a malicious attempt to make everyone fat. :)


It's also become socially acceptable to be fat. People used to be repulsed by it. Now it's the norm. Tv shows and films are full of fat people. People are bombarded with images of fatness, constantly.

Maybe if they banned it from tv, like cigarette advertising, it would be less popular. :)


Even having a pint used to involve a bit of exercise. Off-licences (where I grew up the only off-licence was a sub-section of the village chemist and it shut at 5.30pm) were full of expensive beer you had to open with a tin opener. Them six pinters involved a bit of weight training just getting them back to the house. The pub was best and you had to walk there and back, and there weren't whole streets full of kebab shops, chicken huts, curry houses and chinese take-aways on the way home either to tempt you into an additional 1000 calorie blow-out on top of your 1000 calorie beer and KP crisps blow-out in the pub. The local chippy shut at 8pm anyway.


Them were the 70s and 80s


Fast forward to the noughties and teenies and it's all blummin Sky+ and Tivo, takeways, ready meals, crisps and mega-packs of beer from the supermarket. Washed down with endless takeaways and multi-packs of coke and fanta in front of a crap massive TV that cost more than people used to spend on a decent second-hand car. Pubs are dead, people drive to get their supplies from global retailing giants and then get them home and sit like a boozed-up brainless cabbage in front of the TV all night slowly killing themselves and their kids. It's madness.

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