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Obesity epidemic. Stuffing yourself to blame?

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I'm talking about wild animals, not domestic.


Oh I see. Wild animals. :)

They don't have a choice in what they eat, they have no security in how plentiful a food supply is or when they will be able to eat again. They don't get to choose or prepare their own food.

Can fat humans say the same? "I live next to macdonalds so my surroundings made me fat. It was the only food source I had access to". If you were taken prisoner, locked in a room and force fed only junk food for years then I guess you'd be justified in blaming your surroundings.

Obesity in wild animals would massively hinder their chances of success. It's only humankind where obesity makes very little difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

THE MEN WHO MADE US FAT (TV Programme) Some parts of this were an eyeopener, especially the innocent fruit drink having more sugar than a can of coke.


Having said that, after 3 programmes none of the experts have made the link between our sedentary lifestyles and the growth in obesity (if they have during this mini series, then I've missed that bit).


I can remember back in the 80s as a child walking to school, climbing trees, playing on bikes, doing sport and playing outside.


It would be interesting to see what would happen if children of 2012 were made to have the same lifestyle we had ack in the 1980s. There is a programme on BBC2 (Ithink its on BBC2) where they recreate a certain time period and familys have to live in the same way they did during that period.


They could do something very similar with some volunteers (children), recreate the 1980s and include the following


Kids walking to and from school

No being taken by parents the car, they have to walk to and from school


Kids having to play outside after school, on bikes, climbing trees, playing football, No X-boxes and no facebook

No going onto the x-box the moment they get home, they have to go outside and interact with other kids. There would be no facebook, so in effect they would have to go out of the house to interact with other children.


If anyone did insist on playing computer games, give them frogger or an atari



Only have 3 or 4 tv channels and only one TV in the house

Nothing would get us out of the house quicker than some of the dross our parents used to watch on TV. (Wogan, Dynasty, The News). Sundays were the worst, remember when your dad used to watch war films from the 1950s?


Getting out of the house was the only way to escape


No mobile phones

Kids have to leave the home and have to have face to face contact in order to socialise with other kids.


reduce health and safety

If this show was to take place in winter, and we had a harsh winter, instead of being sent home you could allow the kids to stay at school and on breaktime see what they get up to in the snow. Creating skid patches, building snowmen, having snowball fights etc....



These are just a few examples, if you got some very overweight kids and for 3 weeks impose a lifestyle on them similar to that of the 1980s. Allow them to continue to eat the food, because after all how many of us back in the 1980s were bothered about healthy eating?


See what happens when for 3 weeks they have to play outside, they climb trees, have a game of football and of course walking to and from school. See what impact this has on their bodies and their weight.

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