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Obesity epidemic. Stuffing yourself to blame?

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I have PCOS which makes you put on weight and a sedentary job which makes it easy to get fat. At the moment I have 2 stone to lose but that is baby weight. But when I eat healthy and work out a couple of times a week I can still be slender enough despite the fact I do have a condition which makes me prone to weight gain. It's v rare I think to have someone who genuinely can't maintain a reasonable weight as long as they watch their diet and make an effort to work out.

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It is impossible for "poor" people to be fat.

How many fat people are there in Somalia or china? Very few.

No one makes people eat junk. Ingredient lists have been published on food items for years.

If fat people are worried about being fat they should do more physically and stop eating as much.

All the tv programmes and minor studies in the world won't change the fact that fat people and their fat families are responsible for their own fatness.

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It is impossible for "poor" people to be fat.

How many fat people are there in Somalia or china? Very few.

No one makes people eat junk. Ingredient lists have been published on food items for years.

If fat people are worried about being fat they should do more physically and stop eating as much.

All the tv programmes and minor studies in the world won't change the fact that fat people and their fat families are responsible for their own fatness.


That's just pathetically naive. If you're going to try and troll at least attempt to get your facts right.

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If you consider food to be an addiction, (and there is evidence to suggest that in some cases it is,) then I can't help comparing it with other addictions.


Smoking, for example. Cigarettes are no longer advertised to stop people wanting a fag, and now have to be put 'under the counter' where they can't be seen so as not to tempt people.


Compare that with food. Available 24 / 7 and designed to be as tempting as possible. Advertised every ad break, in magazines, and everywhere you look, whole TV prgrammes given over to making the most delicious, calorie laden meals. (When did you last see a TV cookery programme designed to help dieters?)

Supermarkets laid out to make you consume more, 2 for 1 deals, sweets round the checkouts etc.


Try putting the word cigarette, or cocaine in the above paragraph and see how strange it sounds. If obesity really is the epidemic the government is talking about maybe the above exercise will help them see why...

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Processed foods are making people fat and of course over eating them. Crips'. Pizza's, Pies, Sausages, the list go's on.


I know i have mentioned her before but Zoe Harcombe wrote an excellent book, The Obesity epidemic. This explaines what makes people fat but most of the comments on this thread seem to know.,


She also explains the endocrine system and how it works, not easy reading but interesting.


Eating more fresh protein and proper foods like our grand parents did is the answer.


Too much carbs in most processed foods because they are cheap


As mentioned previously, sugary foods and some carbs will fill you in the short term but will make you feell hungry not long after.


Even though all foods contain carbs, it's the higher protein content food that fill's you and keeps you full for longer, and you can eat much more of it with out gaining weight.

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If you consider food to be an addiction, (and there is evidence to suggest that in some cases it is,) then I can't help comparing it with other addictions.


Smoking, for example. Cigarettes are no longer advertised to stop people wanting a fag, and now have to be put 'under the counter' where they can't be seen so as not to tempt people.


Compare that with food. Available 24 / 7 and designed to be as tempting as possible. Advertised every ad break, in magazines, and everywhere you look, whole TV prgrammes given over to making the most delicious, calorie laden meals. (When did you last see a TV cookery programme designed to help dieters?)

Supermarkets laid out to make you consume more, 2 for 1 deals, sweets round the checkouts etc.


Try putting the word cigarette, or cocaine in the above paragraph and see how strange it sounds. If obesity really is the epidemic the government is talking about maybe the above exercise will help them see why...


Gluttony isn't an addiction. It may be a medical condition. More like a lack of control.

Can't really compare to cocaine as we can live without it. The same cannot be said about food.

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If you consider food to be an addiction, (and there is evidence to suggest that in some cases it is,) then I can't help comparing it with other addictions.




Some of us might just consider food to be a necessity seeing as how people who don't eat tend to die of starvation :rolleyes:

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Gluttony isn't an addiction. It may be a medical condition. More like a lack of control.

Can't really compare to cocaine as we can live without it. The same cannot be said about food.


True enough. But do you begin to see how hard it can be for some people?


I'd like to see more programmes given over to healthy eating on a budget, and not gimmicky ones sloshing the cream and sugar about. (Graham Kerr did a programme years ago designed to make all the old classics but replacing the sugars and fats with acceptable substitutes, time it was repeated.)


I'd like to see the prices of fresh and healthy food come down.


I'd like to see healthy, low calorie, hot 'fast food' available, (now there's a gap in the market for anyone wanting an idea for a new business...)


I'd like to see Cookery and Home Economics return to all school classrooms.


There are lots of things that would help.


You have strong opinions,

I hope you're going to watch the BBC2 prog at 9.0pm.

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