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Obesity epidemic. Stuffing yourself to blame?

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True enough. But do you begin to see how hard it can be for some people?


I'd like to see more programmes given over to healthy eating on a budget, and not gimmicky ones sloshing the cream and sugar about. (Graham Kerr did a programme years ago designed to make all the old classics but replacing the sugars and fats with acceptable substitutes, time it was repeated.)


I'd like to see the prices of fresh and healthy food come down.


I'd like to see healthy, low calorie, hot 'fast food' available, (now there's a gap in the market for anyone wanting an idea for a new business...)


I'd like to see Cookery and Home Economics return to all school classrooms.


There are lots of things that would help.


You have strong opinions,

I hope you're going to watch the BBC2 prog at 9.0pm.


I do understand a lack of control in eating.

Pigging out is my second favourite thing in life. That guy from the man vs food programme has my dream job.

If and when I get obese, however, I will never attempt to place the blame at someone else's door or lament the fact because as I said I really enjoy eating.

I will endeavour to watch the programme. But I may have to fight for control of the tv as our lass is watching the Ireland - Spain match :hihi: oh well there's always iplayer.

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Yes, what you put in your mouth is still your responsibility, but convenience food is often cheap food, and obese families are often poorer families. I don't think this is just a coincidence.


i disagree


porridge, beans, vegetables, fruit, all cheap

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I do understand a lack of control in eating.

Pigging out is my second favourite thing in life. That guy from the man vs food programme has my dream job.

If and when I get obese, however, I will never attempt to place the blame at someone else's door or lament the fact because as I said I really enjoy eating.

I will endeavour to watch the programme. But I may have to fight for control of the tv as our lass is watching the Ireland - Spain match :hihi: oh well there's always iplayer.


You quite clearly don't have the dysfunctional relationship with food that some people have then, and if you don't have any mental health problems then it won't be easy for you to empathise with some people's positions.

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Going back to CAP , there's a VERY INTERESTING website :




According to the statistics available , here is a small sample of the main companies who benefitted from CAP . Amounts represent the total CAP grants from 1999 to 2009 ( and bearing in mind that the A in CAP stands for AGRICULTURAL) :


Tate and LYLE Europe 827,979,239 euros

Nestle UK Ltd 196,777,997 euros

Czarnikow Group Ltd 129,104,665 euros

( sugar company )


Something dodgy going on , do you think ?

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You quite clearly don't have the dysfunctional relationship with food that some people have then, and if you don't have any mental health problems then it won't be easy for you to empathise with some people's positions.


Is a dysfunctional relationship with food or a mental health problem a prerequisite for having an opinion on this issue or posting on this thread?

So I should try harder to empathise until my opinion is identical to that of the OP or just refrain from posting altogether?

I can empathise with being fat and miserable because it's so difficult to lose the weight once they've piled it on. But I can't empathise with people who have only themselves or their parents to blame trying to place the responsibility on the food or the people who make the food.

Attempting to find different causes such as genetics, slow metabolisms, glandular problems etc etc etc doesn't seem to be reducing the number of obese people around.

Fact of the matter is, if your calorie intake is more than your energy expenditure then you get fat. Reduce one or increase the other or both. But please don't try to blame poverty or other people unless someone is holding you down and force feeding you.

If the problem is a mental one then why are people not seeking psychiatric attention?

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Is a dysfunctional relationship with food or a mental health problem a prerequisite for having an opinion on this issue or posting on this thread?

So I should try harder to empathise until my opinion is identical to that of the OP or just refrain from posting altogether?

I can empathise with being fat and miserable because it's so difficult to lose the weight once they've piled it on. But I can't empathise with people who have only themselves or their parents to blame trying to place the responsibility on the food or the people who make the food.

Attempting to find different causes such as genetics, slow metabolisms, glandular problems etc etc etc doesn't seem to be reducing the number of obese people around.

Fact of the matter is, if your calorie intake is more than your energy expenditure then you get fat. Reduce one or increase the other or both. But please don't try to blame poverty or other people unless someone is holding you down and force feeding you.

If the problem is a mental one then why are people not seeking psychiatric attention?


I have got to say you have summed this up to a tee.you do not see many fat eskimos ,aborigines or bantus as they are active eat simply and sensibly,and not bombarded by advertising eulogising excess consumption.

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1,153,861,901 EUROS OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS UNDER THE Common Agricultural Policy from the EU ?


That's partly our taxpayers' money folks , any ( sensible , not troll ) thoughts ?


What exactly have these companies been growing in the fields of Europe ?


Oh, and did you know that CAP pays according to acreage , so that wealthy estate owners who don't actually grow very much at all can also claim CAP subsidies ( like that toff who advocated the killing of buzzards not long ago - his inherited estate got thousands if not millions from the EU for CAP)


Am I right in thinking that we are actually involutarily funding the companies whose products will eventually kill us ?


Sorry , this is truly depressing . Have you heard the one about the guy who walked up to the librarian and whispered "Where is your conspiracy section?"

The librarian leaned over and whispered back "It's behind you ".

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1,153,861,901 EUROS OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS UNDER THE Common Agricultural Policy from the EU ?


That's partly our taxpayers' money folks , any ( sensible , not troll ) thoughts ?


What exactly have these companies been growing in the fields of Europe ?


Oh, and did you know that CAP pays according to acreage , so that wealthy estate owners who don't actually grow very much at all can also claim CAP subsidies ( like that toff who advocated the killing of buzzards not long ago - his inherited estate got thousands if not millions from the EU for CAP)


Am I right in thinking that we are actually involutarily funding the companies whose products will eventually kill us ?


Sorry , this is truly depressing . Have you heard the one about the guy who walked up to the librarian and whispered "Where is your conspiracy section?"

The librarian leaned over and whispered back "It's behind you ".


I suppose we are not that bothered,too busy compiling shopping lists,preparing snacks and watching trash TV:hihi:

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Obesity epedemic = people spending too much time on the PC, playing on the X-Box and stuffing their faces.


If you turn the clock back 30 years back in the 1980s, kids playing on bikes, climbing trees, playing hide and seek, sports clubs ran by people willing to give up an hour of their time (not begin suspected of being a paedo)


30 years ago there was no health a safety, take for example the snow - back in the 1980s at school, the snow days were the best days, skid patches, snowball fights, building giant snowballs and snowmen.


These days if it snows the kids are sent back home and guess where they go? yes, the x-box and junk food. When it snows, keep the kids at school, let them play and build snowmen, create skid patches, if someone wants to sue the school for slipping on the ice, the the headmaster should be able to tell the parents to f*** off, get a sense of humour, get a backbone and most importantly of all, let you kids out in the snow and do some serous playing"


Get rid of the BMI stupidity, and all the non jobs that go with this, and with that money direct it at the local grassroots football clubs, or other sports clubs in the area. Get rid of the kids fat clubs (how many 13 year olds want to admit to going to a fat club?)


So the lesson here, if you are going to stuff your face, then burn it off.


The last thing on the subject of obsesity, remember the 1980s? how many of us as kids ate healthily? we used to eat sweets, drink fizzy pop and get treats from the bread van but obesity was a rarity.


So instead of blaming the food industry you have to blame yourself.

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