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Obesity epidemic. Stuffing yourself to blame?

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I'm not stalking you anna, don't worry.


Organic will always be more expensive to buy because it costs more to produce.


When you look at the obese people in the headlines "ie, so and so now weighs 60 stone and can't get out of the house", you then read that they are spending £100 on takeaways each week.


SO at this point I'm missing something, if they can't leave the home then how do they get a takeaway, is the carer getting the takeaway on their behalf? if this is the case, then why does the carer not buy a jacket potato instead and some fish?


It may get tothe point where the obese housebound person is forced to loose weight in order to be able to get out of the house to get to the takeaway shop. That could be a goal, eat healthy food and you can only get a takeaway when you can make your own way there.


The deal being "carer only buys healthy food". The obese person has to be able to get to the takeaway on their own......walk to the takaway, gentle exercise etc.... lose a few calories etc......


It could be the way forward


I know the case you are referring to, and I agree with everything you say. But I would maintain that this person has a mental health issue, or at least a problem that's causing her gluttony. It's an extreme case. But becoming more common.


She was ordering food by phone apparently, but I agree, her carer is definately culpable. This person needs assistance to get this fat.


I'm interested in the people who lose masses of weight, (and we all know how hard that is,) are delighted with the results, then put it all back on again.


Why? They must see it piling back on, so why can't they apply the break? What is it that compels them to eat? I would argue that it's not hunger so what is it?

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I know the case you are referring to, and I agree with everything you say. But I would maintain that this person has a mental health issue, or at least a problem that's causing her gluttony. It's an extreme case. But becoming more common.


She was ordering food by phone apparently, but I agree, her carer is definately culpable. This person needs assistance to get this fat.


I'm interested in the people who lose masses of weight, (and we all know how hard that is,) are delighted with the results, then put it all back on again.


Why? They must see it piling back on, so why can't they apply the break? What is it that compels them to eat? I would argue that it's not hunger so what is it?


The reason is because most diets are short term solutions and reasonably quick fixes. They strive to help people lose far more than the 1lb per week which is what health professionals recommend for long term weight loss and maintenance. The diet industry knows that unless there are instant and visible results, most people would pack the diet in. What virtually no diet does is educate people how to prepare and cook their own foods (without buying weight watcher meals and/or food supplements), eat healthily and exercise. It is a lifelong lifestyle change and that is what most people cannot cope with and they delude themselves that once they have reached their target weight, it will somehow miraculously remain thus when they resume their previous lifestyle. Then when the weight has gone back on, they go back on another silly diet and the diet induistry keeps making millions and millions this way. It's almost a symbiotic relationship.

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Mmmmm. Tempting obese people out of the house with takeaways, it's an interesting weight loss method.




Its the way forward.


I'm addicted to coffee and the only way for me to get coffee (starbucks, neros) is to leave my home, so therefore I have to be able to squeese through the front door and make my way to the place that supplys me with coffee.


If the same rules were applied to severely obese who gorge on takeaways, although cruel, the weight would drop off, as people would be desperate to leave the house to get to the takeaway.

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What I’ve noticed is that the more excuses society finds to normalize being fat, the more fat people we have in society. The US and Britain are wealthy countries and have the most fat people whilst the poorest countries have the least fat people, so being fat must be more to do with being wealthy than poor. Poor people tend to eat less and walk more; fat people tend eat more and walk less. When we stop spending our money on cars and food we will be less fat.:)


Within those countries though it's the poorer who are fatter, not the richer.

So the relationship is obviously more complicated than you think.

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1,153,861,901 EUROS OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS UNDER THE Common Agricultural Policy from the EU ?


That's partly our taxpayers' money folks , any ( sensible , not troll ) thoughts ?


What exactly have these companies been growing in the fields of Europe ?


Oh, and did you know that CAP pays according to acreage , so that wealthy estate owners who don't actually grow very much at all can also claim CAP subsidies ( like that toff who advocated the killing of buzzards not long ago - his inherited estate got thousands if not millions from the EU for CAP)


Am I right in thinking that we are actually involutarily funding the companies whose products will eventually kill us ?


Sorry , this is truly depressing . Have you heard the one about the guy who walked up to the librarian and whispered "Where is your conspiracy section?"

The librarian leaned over and whispered back "It's behind you ".



This is quite disturbing actually, some more details here




Although it's not directly related to this topic IMO.

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But there is a world of a difference between making a reasonable profit and fleecing everyone to get every last bit you can get isn't there?


Not really, any sensible business charges the maximum that the market will pay.

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Its the way forward.


I'm addicted to coffee and the only way for me to get coffee (starbucks, neros) is to leave my home, so therefore I have to be able to squeese through the front door and make my way to the place that supplys me with coffee.


If the same rules were applied to severely obese who gorge on takeaways, although cruel, the weight would drop off, as people would be desperate to leave the house to get to the takeaway.


I think you might be on to something here. To further enhance the weight loss, all junk food establishments should be on in tower block penthouse with no access to lifts.

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Please feel free to provide us the maths/examples. If you can find me an unadulterated meat that is as cheap per kg as a budget sausage, I'll be very pleasantly surprised, honest.


Asda smart price sausages 20 pack £1.00 (weight 1Kg) 32% pork, this makes it £3.16/Kg of actual pork. Compare with Asda pork shoulder joint £3/Kg at 100% pork, no additives.


Asda oven chips £1.00/Kg copmared with Asda white potatoes at £0.59/Kg


Baked beans £0.23/can (£0.58/Kg) compared with green beans at £0.50/Kg.


You do the maths.



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I'm not stalking you anna, don't worry.


Organic will always be more expensive to buy because it costs more to produce.


When you look at the obese people in the headlines "ie, so and so now weighs 60 stone and can't get out of the house", you then read that they are spending £100 on takeaways each week.


SO at this point I'm missing something, if they can't leave the home then how do they get a takeaway, is the carer getting the takeaway on their behalf? if this is the case, then why does the carer not buy a jacket potato instead and some fish?


It may get tothe point where the obese housebound person is forced to loose weight in order to be able to get out of the house to get to the takeaway shop. That could be a goal, eat healthy food and you can only get a takeaway when you can make your own way there.


The deal being "carer only buys healthy food". The obese person has to be able to get to the takeaway on their own......walk to the takaway, gentle exercise etc.... lose a few calories etc......


It could be the way forward


I once saw on one of them documentaries about fat people this bloke who, being to obese to get out of his room, would call the takeaway and get them to load the food into a bucket which he would lower from his bedroom window. He didn't even need to get out of bed to get it.



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