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Osborne unveils £140bn scheme to kick-start stagnant economy

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'Tory Boy' ,eh? A quick scan of my posts would tell you that I loathe the bloody lot of them but, if it's a choice I'll take Tory Boy over a Wednesday-supporting Labourite anytime. :D


(Oh, BTW, I hope Syriza win today - it's the left-wing party in the Greek elections, not Wednesday's opponents in a pre-season friendly).


So what is it you're burbling about now? Oh yeah, you want me to spend time providing you with links to prove what a shocker Brown was (try Googling - it's full of examples), and then you'll decide whether these links are suitable or not.


Life's too short. Only a fool would deny the massive damage Brown (and his colleagues) did while in power.




Here's Phase 2 of the standard lefty response -the insults. (Phase 3 is forcing the debate to degenerate so much, the thread gets closed down - classic commie tactics).


I'll readily admit that I was fullsome in my criticism of Labour when they took a wrecking ball to our economy. The reason I am 'not so selective in whom I castigate' now is that, even at my age, I expected much more from the Tories. I was wrong (my opinion changes when the facts change). There's really no point going on about politics any more as, over the last two-and-a-bit years we've had a unique chance to see all three 'major' parties in power and they're all the same.


It was to Cameron's eternal shame that he couldn't manage a clear majority at the last election when, as most observers could see, we'd endured possibly the most damaging Govt. in memory. Now he and his coalition of closet lefties cling on to power before delivering us back into the hands of Labour (and we all know what to expect there...)


So that's my stance, WOne. An utter loathing of the crowd who control us - left, right, 'centre' and especially those who are rubbing our noses in it by awarding gongs to the usual collection of bootlickers and toadies. (Real toadies, WOne, not somebody who differs from your pig-headed othodoxy.)




You couldn't find anything then?:rolleyes:

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Hold, on. Something is wrong.


The Tory press seem to think George Osborne can't do anything about global economic forces.




So Osborne can't control things but when Brown was in charge everything was always his fault? Has something changed in the last two years?

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Hold, on. Something is wrong.


The Tory press seem to think George Osborne can't do anything about global economic forces.




So Osborne can't control things but when Brown was in charge everything was always his fault? Has something changed in the last two years?


Unfortunately time travel isn’t possible so George Osborne can’t go back and save the money Gordon wasted on nothing.

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Do you think it'll end in war, Jim? (Serious request for opinion, not a snide ****-take like some on here).


I must admit, the ducks are all lining up for, if not a war, then major civil unrest which we should resist at all costs.


The parallels with Greece are becoming obvious - from the bloated public sector to tax avoidance (there it's taxi drivers. Here it's the mega rich and corporations). Throw in a vainglorious Olympics (now playing to derelict stadia and the odd dog in Greece), 'leaders' caught like rabbits in headlights and the comparisons are there.


We're almost certainly more broke than Greece, but they haven't been able to print billions of Monopoly money to hide the fact.



Surprisingly and thankfully, the Greeks have wisely decided not to follow the Ed Balls plan and have voted to stay in the Euro and put up with the austerity. They know it makes sense, unlike Balls. So for the time being at least the threat of serious civil unrest has abated. But, this is still a very fragile situation and our political elite (lol) are proving to be disastrously inept at home and abroad. Osborne can only blame Europe for so long and then he has to take responsibility and get things moving here. If he doesn't you can be sure the "usual suspects" will be out on the streets.

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It's all about whether we can service the debt. And we can.


And it depends how much you want to believe in right-wing think tanks. The ones that complain about unfunded pension liabilities then keep quiet when Osborne turns the Royal Mail pension scheme from a funded to a unfunded scheme so he could use the assets to prop up the treasury in a one-off boost. So he could piddle more up the wall on his very expensive austerity that costs rather than saves money. Double-standards all the way, making it up as they go along.



We can service the debt at the moment but if we carry on borrowing £127bn a year we will soon be unable to pay the interest.


For the record, borrowing has gone down by nearly £50bn a year since spendaholic Labour were kicked out so it's not true to say that austerity costs more. But, hey, why let facts get in the way of a bad argument?

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What's that got to do with global economic forces?


Global economic forces didn't force Gordon Brown to spend more than we could afford, they didn't force him to sit back and watch has an housing bubble expanded at an unprecedented rate, and all along he thought he had full control of everything by insisting he had eliminated the boob bust cycle and saved the world. He was warned about the property bubble and even people in the street new that the bust was getting closer by the day, despite this he continued to spend money we didn’t have.

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Global economic forces didn't force Gordon Brown to spend more than we could afford, they didn't force him to sit back and watch has an housing bubble expanded at an unprecedented rate, and all along he thought he had full control of everything by insisting he had eliminated the boob bust cycle and saved the world. He was warned about the property bubble and even people in the street new that the bust was getting closer by the day, despite this he continued to spend money we didn’t have.


As does the current Government.

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We can service the debt at the moment but if we carry on borrowing £127bn a year we will soon be unable to pay the interest.


For the record, borrowing has gone down by nearly £50bn a year since spendaholic Labour were kicked out so it's not true to say that austerity costs more. But, hey, why let facts get in the way of a bad argument?


There is no serious danger of the UK not being able to service its debts.


Borrowing has gone down but:

1. Osborne has badly missed his target

2. He has used once-only fiscal devices to achieve the reduction

3. With stalling growth, falling receipts and unemployment sustained at anywhere over 8% the rate of deficit decline will slow


We were never going to be like Greece. Complete nonsense.

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Global economic forces didn't force Gordon Brown to spend more than we could afford, they didn't force him to sit back and watch has an housing bubble expanded at an unprecedented rate, and all along he thought he had full control of everything by insisting he had eliminated the boob bust cycle and saved the world. He was warned about the property bubble and even people in the street new that the bust was getting closer by the day, despite this he continued to spend money we didn’t have.


As I stated earlier Labour share some of the blame. The credit bubble has not helped us at all. But.......your beloved Tories have not deflated the housing bubble. House prices are still ridiculously high with many people priced out.

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