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Report says IHH (flotilla organisers of peace) have ties to Al Qaeda!

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I wouldn't dare take issue with a Jew !


Only kidding, The One State Solution is the way to go, They'll outbreed you and you will be the Stateless ones.



please spare us this old chestnut - the so-called Israeli 'demographic time-bomb'. People have been banging on about this since the 1960s, and if they had been right, rather than being spectacularly wide of the mark like they were, then Arabs would have overtaken Jews between the Jordan river and the Mediterreanean sea by about 1990. This was just wishful thinking on the part of the Israel-bashers, and did not happen.






Israel West Bank & Gaza



2025 8.8 million 6.2 million


2050 11.2 million 9.3 million


Israeli Jews have a very high birthrate considering its level of economic development, double the European average and half as much again as the United States, which in itself is higher than anywhere in Europe. Coupled with other likely future demographic trends, like a continuing fall in the Arab birthrate (much lower than a generation ago and certain to lower even more), and future emigration, (more Arabs emigrate than Jews), it looks like there will only be slightly less % Jews between the river and the sea in 2050, than there is now. The so-called Israeli 'demographic time bomb' is a myth.


I don't think American Israel Public Affairs Committee was in existence when either of those two works were published.



Just 2:32 Michael Scheuer Fmr Head CIA Bin-Laden Unit.


Bill Maher seemed shocked at the man's candour.


You can't say fairer than that can you?


Mr Scheuer is of course entitled to his opinion. Unfortunately his idea, that seems to be a repeat of the Israel-bashers refrain that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was in some way a 'proxy war' fought 'for' or 'on behalf of' Israel, ignores that there was plenty of dissent within Israel about the USA invading Iraq. Many Israelis (and not just the leftist Peace Now crowd) believed, it turned out correctly, that Saddam was a busted flush and no threat to Israel after the first Gulf War and that removing Saddam might well cause a power vacuum and increase the power of Israel principal enemy in the region, Iran. And this is precisely what happened.


it is also an inconvenient truth for the Israel-bashers, that more Jewish Americans opposed the invasion of Iraq than any other ethnic group except for Arab Americans. Many prominent Jewish American supporters of Israel, such as Allan Dershowitz, were also not supportive of the invasion.


the Israel-bashers are trying to pull over that just because some of George W Bush's foreign policy advisers were Jewish, and supported the invasion, then it follows that other Jewish Americans did, when in fact few did - less than other Americans.


in Israel itself, many Israelis including senior political figures were also not supportive, or had a highly ambivalent attitude toward it. Many could see potential pitfalls, from an Israeli point of view.


In the end, Israel fell in behind their ally the USA, but there was plenty of dissenting opinion floating around in Israel's vibrant media in the run up, in 2002. Anybody who was reading the Israeli press at this time would be aware of this.


I maintain that the idea that Jews encourage nations other than Israel to fight proxy wars on Israel's behalf is an antisemitic idea, traceable back to antisemitic tracts like the Chronicles of the Elders of Zion. Remember Mel Gibson who when drunk let slip his bigoted view, that 'Jews are responsible for all the wars of the world'?


a lot of people believe this kind of libel even though it is not the slightest bit true.

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I wouldn't dare take issue with a Jew !


Only kidding, The One State Solution is the way to go, They'll outbreed you and you will be the Stateless ones.


Nice. A charming fantasy (thats all it is) though i think the haredi will give them a run for their money.



But i agree, one state is the way. Once the land becomes ours officially, you'll see the aliyah rate go through the roof.. me and my family included.

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Nice. A charming fantasy (thats all it is) though i think the haredi will give them a run for their money.



But i agree, one state is the way. Once the land becomes ours officially, you'll see the aliyah rate go through the roof.. me and my family included.


An admission that it isn't. Not keen on the promised land just yet then?

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