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Deaths in clash between landless peasant farmers and monopolists!

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Government officials in Paraguay say seven police officers and at least nine landless farmers have died in clashes.


A police spokesman said the officers were shot dead when they tried to evict landless protesters who had occupied a property in the east of Paraguay.


Local doctors say dozens more police and farmers have been injured.


The owner of the land in Canindeyu province said about 100 families had invaded his property three weeks ago; it is not clear how many remain.


The land, much like all other 'privately owned' land was stolen in the first place!


The farmers said the land was illegally taken during the 1954-1989 military rule of Gen Alfredo Stroessner and distributed among his allies.


The police moved in on the property in the early hours of Friday morning.


According to police official Walter Gomez, the officers were ambushed in a wooded area.


He said they had not been expecting violence and had wanted to negotiate a "peaceful eviction".


Landless leader Jose Rodriguez told Paraguayan radio that those killed "were humble farmers, members of the landless movement, who'd decided to stay and resist".


Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has ordered the military to intervene.


A terrible case of land monopoly and repression of the poor.

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