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Do you think with all this rain its putting people off English holidays?

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hi with all the rain we are having do you think that is putting people off from going on english holidays..at this time of year,on the roads driving i could see loads of people getting their caravans ready for going away..not this year as yet..every one iv talked to are saying june has been a total wash out..so are people going abroad.........or just waiting for better weather

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If we go anywhere on holiday at all, it ill be here in the UK where we can take our dog with us and being dog owners, we're used to being out in all weathers so getting drenched in the height of summer is nothing new!

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I'm not sure. Not really. People generally don't just go on holiday on a whim, they have to book work off in advance or book a caravan etc.


Apart from the odd retired couple who've nothing to do of a weekend who might be put off, I can't see many people not going just because of the rain.


As well, people save for months to go abroad, so a bit of bad weather doesn't send people packing for different countries.


As I say, people generally plan holidays and I can't see many people not going because it's raining.

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When I see those holiday adverts for the UK on t.v., with glorious beaches,' olde worlde ' villages, well-set up people, frolicking happily with their well-behaved offspring, smiling waiters and giggling reception staff---------well, I have to reach for the sick bucket.


The reality is loud, fat, coarse parents with badly-behaved brats running amok on beaches and in bars and cafes ; miserable, inefficient, arrogant staff in pubs, hotels and cafes and restaurants ; overpriced, horrible boarding houses with more rules than a maximum security nick.


In the holiday ads, it 's always hot and sunny-------the reality is, more often than not, cold, blustery, wet summers, overladen with cloud.


It 's heart-breaking to see the British holidaymaker trying to make the best of a bad job----trying to put deck chairs up in gale force winds, stuffing the kids with burgers to stop them whining and drinking themselves senseless every night in an attempt to blot out the misery of their British ' holiday '.

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