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Rabone Chestermans Pomona Street

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I knew a guy who worked there, called Ted Pegg I think.

He was a mate of my fathers so is probably no longer around.

I think he was in the inspection dept in 60's & early 70's.

You could always get good quality 'seconds' rules and suchlike

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my foster mum worked at rabone chestermans on pomona street she was the cook in the canteen she was called betty appleby or bet to her friends I can remember the guy in the time house I think he was called steve I use to talk to him quite a lot when I went to pick my mum up from work. my mum worked there for quite a while right until it shut down I can remember going to alton towers with rabone chestermans but cant remember the year.

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artisan.. I knew Ted he was my foreman,

Iwas only 17 and me and a friend came in to work a little tipsy after having a drink at lunchtime in the Rising sun,. we thought that we would be in big trouble but Ted made us sit down and drink black coffee ugh... better than getting the sack though.


bigkev.. I and my sisters knew your mum well, all four of us worked with your mum in the canteen at one time or another she will probably remember us have pmd you :thumbsup:

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artisan, I dont know if this is true or not and im not being funny or anything, but did Ted have a wooden leg, my workmates said that he had and they used to call him Ted the Peg to this day I dont know if they were having me on or not I never got to find out.:confused:

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To be honest it is so long ago i cant remember. I only ever saw him in the dram shop in the White Lion and he was always sitting down! And Icant ask my father cos hes been dead 30 years.

It could be possible i suppose as most blokes of their age had fought in the War, and as I say I think he worked in the Inpection, which is a place a lot of semi disabled people worked in those days.

Or are you just winding me up :D

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Originally posted by flashbang

Hi did anyone on here work at Rabone Chestermans on Pomona Street, or know of anyone that worked there?.

Most of my family worked there during the 70s and 80s.

Hope someone can help with this. :thumbsup:

I worked at rabones from leaving school right up to it closing. Started in f&f dept on top floor then served my apprenticeship in the toolroom. Ended up running press shop & chrome shop as chargehand. My name. Can you guest who i am.
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