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Rabone Chestermans Pomona Street

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Originally Posted by SUNFLOWER

Hello Everyone…. I am trying to find people that worked

At Rabone Chestermans around 1980 that new Reginald Clarke (Reg)

And Marjorie Clarke

Reg worked on one of the Pentograph machines and Marjorie work inspecting tapes

It will be there 60th Wedding Anniversary in May 2014.

If any one does remember them could you please leave a message so that I can

Get in touch with you.

(By the way this is there daughter)

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Originally Posted by SUNFLOWER

Hello Everyone…. I am trying to find people that worked

At Rabone Chestermans around 1980 that new Reginald Clarke (Reg)

And Marjorie Clarke

Reg worked on one of the Pentograph machines and Marjorie work inspecting tapes

It will be there 60th Wedding Anniversary in May 2014.

If any one does remember them could you please leave a message so that I can

Get in touch with you.

(By the way this is there daughter)


I remember them both, I think your mum worked with mine her name was Betty Smith, she worked as an inspector of steel tape and rode a little yellow scooter, mine is Sheila Wragg, my daughters Andrea and Joanne both worked there. I was a sprayer and worked mainly in Holesaws but also worked in many other departments. My daughters worked in the tapes along the corridor from the warehouse. Wish them all the best from me and I hope you all have a great time.


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 23:44 ----------


I remember them both, I think your mum worked with mine her name was Betty Smith, she worked as an inspector of steel tape and rode a little yellow scooter, mine is Sheila Wragg, my daughters Andrea and Joanne both worked there. I was a sprayer and worked mainly in Holesaws but also worked in many other departments. My daughters worked in the tapes along the corridor from the warehouse. Wish them all the best from me and I hope you all have a great time.


I am on f/b if you want to get in touch or on this site

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Hi Everyone :-)


Have any of you been back down to the building recently?


I know i wont need to inform you that Aviva (Norwich Union) have been in the building and its extensions since the 90's.


I have worked here since 2002 and have been fascinated by its history. I have worked in both the older, rear, parts of the complex and also the new extension.


As i type this I am sat at the end of one of the long, older buildings, at the back near the river. If you stood on Pomona St and looked through the archway, i am in the long building to the left.


Would anyone be able to clarify what would have been in the buildings that still stand?


The building that runs down Pomona St, three storey with lots of windows, and then as mentioned the two long, double storey buildings that run from Pomona St all the way back to the river.


Its always, as i said, fascinated me, and i am intrigued as to what would have been happening, 40 years ago, in the spot where i am sat right now (and various other places around the building)


They used to display two large winding wheels in reception with a little plaque for each confirming they used to be used in the tape measure production dpt, where exactly was this?


There is also some machinary still attached to the wooden roof beams in the building I am in, about halfway down. To be honest it actually looks like farming equipment lol.


So, any info would be great and if anyone has any photo's of the inside then that would be even better.


All the best



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Hi Everyone :-)


Have any of you been back down to the building recently?


I know i wont need to inform you that Aviva (Norwich Union) have been in the building and its extensions since the 90's.


I have worked here since 2002 and have been fascinated by its history. I have worked in both the older, rear, parts of the complex and also the new extension.


As i type this I am sat at the end of one of the long, older buildings, at the back near the river. If you stood on Pomona St and looked through the archway, i am in the long building to the left.


Would anyone be able to clarify what would have been in the buildings that still stand?


The building that runs down Pomona St, three storey with lots of windows, and then as mentioned the two long, double storey buildings that run from Pomona St all the way back to the river.


Its always, as i said, fascinated me, and i am intrigued as to what would have been happening, 40 years ago, in the spot where i am sat right now (and various other places around the building)


They used to display two large winding wheels in reception with a little plaque for each confirming they used to be used in the tape measure production dpt, where exactly was this?


There is also some machinary still attached to the wooden roof beams in the building I am in, about halfway down. To be honest it actually looks like farming equipment lol.


So, any info would be great and if anyone has any photo's of the inside then that would be even better.


All the best




If it is the one I am thinking of there was the spray shop, land chains which a lot of m/c went to Kelam island it was so old the building was built round the m/cs. The building that runs parallel to the river was engineers bottom floor set squares etc on second floor, it had a hand operated lift to pull castings up. The building to the far right was smithing shop bottom floor can't remember top floors use and the 3 storey building next was grinders bottom, height gauges next and holesaws top. I can remember a few other areas but am a bit vague it was a long time ago, it was the best place I ever worked

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Hello sheilawragg1 (Sheila)

Thank you for your reply

I have sent a message to your facebook

Well hopefuly it was you... you will have to forgive me as i am not so

keen on using that facebook.. haha

hope your family are all ok


They are ty and same to you and yours, will look for your message, hopefully I can find it as I only have the basic understanding of my laptop. If you need any more info you can get in touch on here:loopy:


---------- Post added 09-01-2014 at 00:07 ----------


Thanks Sheila, thats great




Remembered that the large building to the far left was called the taped the bottom floor was where the tapes were printed and the next 2 floors were where the tapes were inspected and cut to size ready for putting into cases. The one that always makes me smile is the area known as the screw room this was where the precision rules were marked for the height gages.

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  • 3 months later...
You have an excellent memory Neil. Yes I'm fine thanks, and happily retired now. How about you Neil? Are you still in touch with any of the lads?


Hi John, I stayed in touch with Harry Jackson up to moving to Spain in 2000, but unfortunately he died aged 55yrs from cancer, I got a call from my sister to say he had passed away but I couldn't get back for the funeral. I am back in the UK now. I'm glad that you remembered me and you are well. I retire in 4yrs time, but I'm only part time now working in a care home 10 to 15 hours a week.

All the best mate Neil

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Sorry to hear about Harry. 55 is far too young to go isn't it. The four years will hopefully pass very quickly for you mate, and as I've been retired for some 5 years now I can assure you it beats working. Well it does for me anyway.


All the best Neil.

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