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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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The OP asks if anybody condones the routine circumcision of infant boys. You have condoned it and tried to defend your position by arguing a difference between male cutting and female cutting, which was banned by the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003.


My response was relevant to your arguments, feel free to respond because I will assume the "try harder" remark is avoidance.


There is a surgical device that can shield the clitoris of a girl, and ensure a circumcision of the prepuce of the clitoris just as safely as the removal of the prepuce of a boy's penis. Would you care to explain why you only condemn the former?


Actually I defend the practice as I personally have had the procedure done, though not as an infant- as a youth, and see no detriment. I also know many families who have had their sons done as infants. I personally wouldn't subject my own children to it at such an early age. But I see the advantages of having it done, particularly as a youth as in Muslim culture.

All the males out of the 7million inhabitants of my adopted country have had it done. There are many brits performed daily and I have attended several.

I know hundreds of circumcised males, from school, the army etc and never heard one once mention anything negative about it.

Other alarmists with similar views to yourself have sought to link the procedure to FGM and child abuse. I was simply trying to point out how ridiculous that was.


There are clear health benefits to the individual from male circumcision especially in hot climates. The same cannot be said for FGM.

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Actually I defend the practice as I personally have had the procedure done, though not as an infant- as a youth, and see no detriment.

This is not a defence for the continuation of forcing it upon defenseless infants

I also know many families who have had their sons done as infants. I personally wouldn't subject my own children to it at such an early age.

neither is this.

But I see the advantages of having it done, particularly as a youth as in Muslim culture.

Do tell

All the males out of the 7million inhabitants of my adopted country have had it done. There are many brits performed daily and I have attended several.

I know hundreds of circumcised males, from school, the army etc and never heard one once mention anything negative about it.

This doesn't mean it should be done to defenseless infants who don't have a say in the matter.

There are clear health benefits to the individual from male circumcision especially in hot climates. The same cannot be said for FGM.

Like what?

I got the snip when i was 19 and the best thing that i ever had done


That's how it should be, when you're old enough to decide for yourself, that's not the issue here though is it.


And seriously, the BEST thing you ever did? Better than sex? Better than tasty food? Better than watching a good film? Better than good music?

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Ok let me rephrase it


It was the best thing i did in regards to my sex life


It made a lot of difference afterwards (well about 3 weeks after the op lol)


If you do have it done keep a few packs of frozen peas in the house for first thing in the morning....

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We never had our two sons circumcised. Didnt see any sense in it and we're not Jewish anyway.


It does make sense later on if it becomes a medical issue and a matter of personal hygiene. Any doctor would tell you the same


But then it wouldn't relate to the OP which is specifically about babies.

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This is not a defence for the continuation of forcing it upon defenseless infants


neither is this.


Do tell


This doesn't mean it should be done to defenseless infants who don't have a say in the matter.


Like what?



That's how it should be, when you're old enough to decide for yourself, that's not the issue here though is it.


And seriously, the BEST thing you ever did? Better than sex? Better than tasty food? Better than watching a good film? Better than good music?



I believe it's considered easier and less problematic to have it done as an infant.

Some practices don't even cut the foreskin they simply clamp it with a plastibell clamp and let it drop off. This can't be done at an older age for obvious reasons.

If, percentage wise, many times more people die of piercings, that's why it would be considered relatively safe. Seeing the issue from te point of view of the parents that choose to have it done is different suggesting all infants should be forced to have it. I wouldn't impose it on my children but I can see why some would.


It's been shown to reduce transmission of HIV. It is easier to keep clean, especially in hot climates. Possibly even temperature regulation too though I don't know how that could be proved. Although several mammals expose their glans to stay cool.


It's good. But no, it's obviously not better than good music, good films and sex. What is?

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I believe it's considered easier and less problematic to have it done as an infant.

That is not an argument for allowing it to be forced upon defenceless infants though..

Some practices don't even cut the foreskin they simply clamp it with a plastibell clamp and let it drop off. This can't be done at an older age for obvious reasons.

If, percentage wise, many times more people die of piercings, that's why it would be considered relatively safe. Seeing the issue from te point of view of the parents that choose to have it done is different suggesting all infants should be forced to have it. I wouldn't impose it on my children but I can see why some would.

...and neither is any of that.


It's been shown to reduce transmission of HIV. It is easier to keep clean, especially in hot climates. Possibly even temperature regulation too though I don't know how that could be proved. Although several mammals expose their glans to stay cool.

Weak arguments really, no match for wearing a condom and practising basic hygiene (clean the bloomin thing!)


It's good. But no, it's obviously not better than good music, good films and sex. What is?

According to Eckolad's earlier post, having part of your willy cut off is better than those things. He's amended that now.

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