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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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Yes. Billions of people :)


I meant anyone on this forum.


Other than religious law and health grounds, there's no inherent argument in favour; but aren't they sufficient?


Religous law used to be sufficient for torture and wholesale slaughter. It still is in several countries. I have seen no evidence for health benefits of circumcision.

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Other than religious law and health grounds, there's no inherent argument in favour; but aren't they sufficient?


The article is about ritual circumcision, so no, health grounds don't come into it.


As for religious traditions, I'm all for people continuing them as long as they don't hurt or harm others, which this does.

If I was Jewish, I'd consider infant circumcision a mockery of God's word. It's supposed to be a covenant (a sacred and solemn agreement) between a person and God. How the hell is an infant supposed to agree? If the parent is making the decision for the child then the covenant is a hollow one, a sham.

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I have seen no evidence for health benefits of circumcision.


here you go, to stop you googling



What are the benefits of circumcision?


There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:


A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted infections in men, such as HIV.

Reduced risk of penile cancer.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision may reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer, according to a 2012 study published in the journal Cancer.


What are the risks of circumcision?


Like any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with circumcision. However, this risk is low. Problems associated with circumcision include:



Risk of bleeding and infection at the site of the circumcision

Irritation of the glans

Increased risk of meatitis (inflammation of the opening of the penis)

Risk of injury to the penis.

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The Royal Dutch Medical Association stated in 2010: "There is currently not a single doctors' organisation that recommends routine circumcision for medical reasons."


well dont shoot the messenger, you wanted a list of health benefits, i gave you some

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Once you're of appropriate age you can decided what is and isn't done to your body, until then I don't it's right and proper for young boys to be circumcised.


Complication rates climb greatly for circumcision in later life. Personally I really don't see the problem with it so long as it's done in a proper clinic rather than at home. There was certainly a period when it was routine for the majority of boys to be circumcised (Xu et al. - prevalence of circumcision among US-born males was 91% for males born in the 1970s and 84% for those born in the 1980s) and it's not done them any harm. There is evidence that it can even be a good thing - the Cochrane (slightly unfortunate name!) meta analysis showed that it decreases rates of HIV transmission by between 38 and 66% and the WHO currently recommends circumcision as part of a program for prevention of HIV transmission in areas with high HIV levels.

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what is it with people and their problem with circumcision? is it jealousy? why would you want Jews, for example, to stop the ritual? show me one Jew that wants his foreskin back.


FACT! there are 2 people who are far more scarred from the ritual of the circumcision than the baby (who, after 5 seconds, has forgotten) - those 2 people will NEVER forget that day - the mother and the sandak (the person holding the baby - in my sons case, it was my father)

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