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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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Are you claiming that non consensual surgery to remove a part of the body for no medical reason isn't harm?


As it's not non consensual that doesn't really apply does it? Pre age of majority parents or guardians have the power of consent for their children and have to give it for a circumcision to take place ergo it's consensual.

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As it's not non consensual that doesn't really apply does it? Pre age of majority parents or guardians have the power of consent for their children and have to give it for a circumcision to take place ergo it's consensual.


I'll concede that, but parents are supposed to act in the best interests of their children, that's why child abuse is illegal.

Medically non required surgery to remove parts of their body is not in their best interests.

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I'll concede that, but parents are supposed to act in the best interests of their children, that's why child abuse is illegal.

Medically non required surgery to remove parts of their body is not in their best interests.

Thats Spot on:|

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How about when it uniquivocally causes harm?





1. To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple.

2. To disfigure by damaging irreparably.

3. To make imperfect by excising or altering parts

Unless you think it can be repaired or is still perfect (which no doubt you will argue it is) then it is mutilated.

The penis is still fully functional and perfectly workable post circumcision and as to disfiguring that is personal choice but many express a preference for a "cut" penis. Looks like you have the wrong word then...

No, it looks like the correct word to me.


Yes - as I pointed out in another post circumcision in the Jewish experience circumcision is the entry into the Jewish community and religion. It's well known from many papers that membership of a community is good for the mental health and that the religious report higher levels of happiness and live longer.

Are non circumcised babies excluded from their religion?

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As it's not non consensual that doesn't really apply does it? Pre age of majority parents or guardians have the power of consent for their children and have to give it for a circumcision to take place ergo it's consensual.


Only up to a point.


If the medical team does not judge the treatment to be in the patients interest they can overrule the parents, likewise if there is treatment that is in the patients best interest, but the parents refuse permission, that decision will be taken out of the parent's hands.

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1. To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple.

2. To disfigure by damaging irreparably.

3. To make imperfect by excising or altering parts.


20,000 nerve endings :wave:


BTW, was anybody else as puzzled as me growing up in the 70/80's and watching US movies and picking up the constant references to "lube"?


I didn't really understand the reference at the time, didn't know anybody who used it in the UK, and still don't.


It wasn't until my circumcised friend told me why he used it that the penny dropped. The 70/80's was when circumcision was at its most common, with over 80% of baby boys cut. Thankfully the numbers of circumcisions has fallen quite dramatically since then, and still falling.

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As the son of a Jewish farther and COE mother my dad against his families express wishes did not lob my schmock off. He felt it my choice when old enough to choose my religion if any. As it is I am undecided either way. On a trip to Isreal as a child I attended what you would describe as summer school during which I attended my cousins bar mitzvah. Whilst showing after swimming other noticed my intact weapon which caused much discussion amongst my relatives. I if I choose to be religious I would not touch the damn thing.

As the son of a Jewish father and COE mother

As you're not a Jew and (I assume) not a Moslem either, there's no religious need to be circumcised.

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Are non circumcised babies excluded from their religion?

No. Once born Jewish, by the Jewish definition of 'Jewish', one's status as such is irrevocable.

But a boy's father is obliged to have him circumcised. Failing that, the boy is obliged to have himself circumcised.

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