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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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FWIW, I agree with Jenny Klinge, ritual circumcision should be taboo. Men (and women) should keep their bits unless it's medically necessary to remove them.


Totally agree, for me it's not just that you're unnecessarily cutting off a piece of a child's penis, it's also that the child never has a say in it. Let adults have it done when they are old enough to make the choice, but leave the kids alone.

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Any ban that's imposed would just push the practice underground. You'd end up with back alley chop-jobs and people having them done at home.

Or corrupt doctors signing off on cases saying they were medically necessary.

I agree it should be an individuals choice but having a liberal mother, mine was delayed for many years until I was old enough to decide for myself and in retrospect I wish it had been done sooner when I was so young I wouldn't remember it.

There are also fairly conclusive studies showing a reduction in transmission of HIV among circumcised males the success of which is improved by having the operation as early as possible, allowing skin to keratinise fully, long before any sexual activity.

The Norwegian lady and fellow anti-circ activists are on a hiding to nothing I reckon. and it's far too much of a money spinner in the states for them to ever consider banning it there.

Again, as with most other issues, I wonder how many of these campaigners and people who are outraged by the practice have any personal experience of it or are just looking to get worked up about something.

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Once you're of appropriate age you can decided what is and isn't done to your body, until then I don't it's right and proper for young boys to be circumcised.



That' very true. No one can oppose what you do to your own body within reason, and if, when you're an adult, you choose to do this for whatever reason, fine. I think it's wrong to do it to a child, effectively imposing your own views on them, but then again I think it's wrong to impose religion on a child generally (accepting there are other reasons for circumcision).


The problem is that this is also very true...



Any ban that's imposed would just push the practice underground. You'd end up with back alley chop-jobs and people having them done at home.

Or corrupt doctors signing off on cases saying they were medically necessary.

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No. As one is horrific mutilation that seriously affects the lives of the women involved and the other has virtually no effect on the lives of the men involved.


My bold. This thread is about the routine circumcision of babies, but you seem to want to turn this into a discussion on the benefits for men in general, and/or you in particular.


MGM of babies might be a circumcision in the vast majority of cases, but it does carry the risk of total removal of penis or death.




A two-week old boy died at a Brooklyn hospital in September after contracting herpes through a religious circumcision ritual that ignited controversy in 2005 after another infant died, the Daily News has learned.


The unidentified infant died Sept. 28, 2011, at Maimonides Hospital, according to a spokeswoman for the city Medical Examiner, who confirmed the death after a News inquiry.


FGM of babies could also include a circumcision equivalent to that of a male baby, or a simple snick with a knife to mark the child for cultural reasons.


To simply assert that all MGM is okay, and all FGM is bad, is far too simplistic. If you defend circumcision of male babies, then you cannot logically argue that circumcision of female babies is wrong. You must also defend some FGM.

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