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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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Can you show me specifically in the Torah or Bible where it is stated that by law (religious or otherwise) Jewish male babies must be circumcised?

No. Jewish law- the 613- derives from the Torah (Five Books of Moses), but is later codified. See Maimonides et al.


You seem to be implying that you cannot be Jewish (male) if you are not circumcised. Is this what you are saying, and if so, can you give an example of where it says this in the Torah or Bible?

No, that supposed implication is wholly false.


Of course human rights are man made, who do you believe made the Torah and Bible?

What do you mean by 'the Bible' in this context?


where does it say in the Torah or Bible that Adam (off of the Adam & Eve show) was circumcised?

It doesn't. Instead, see the Midrash.

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Maybe so- but I can see no point. It would hardly be likely to convince your closed mind.


Well maybe you should explain it to me then.


The friend I mentioned earlier, the one that regrets his circumcision, was born to Jewish parents, is now an atheist and was a long time before me.


It's been a few years since we met, but I would love to explain to him next time we meet why he is not actually an atheist.

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Maybe so- but I can see no point. It would hardly be likely to convince your closed mind.


By closed you mean that I'm not open to the idea that mutilating children can be justified? If so then I'll hold my hands up as guilty, you're prevarication and attempts to claim that it's a legal requirement in some super jurisdictional religious way have done nothing to convince me that it's justified at all.

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No. Jewish law- the 613- derives from the Torah (Five Books of Moses), but is later codified. See Maimonides et al.

Can you show me where in Jewish "law" it says that Jewish males must be circumcised?


What do you mean by 'the Bible' in this context?

You know, that book, the Bible. I included it because the Torah and the Bible share some material. I will rephrase, who do you believe wrote the Torah and any Jewish laws?


It doesn't. Instead, see the Midrash.

I did, I can't find anything about Adam being circumcised. Can you show me please?

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circumcision is a Jerusalem thing, from Abraham/Ibrahim, Jews and Muslims, which the Christians somehow managed to largely sidestep (though many Christians are circumsised too).


seeing as you mentioned Adam, the Christian biblical legend of the Garden of Eden probably originated in Iraq, not Jerusalem or anywhere else in Jewish ancient Israel.

Edited by callippo
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