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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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Genesis 17:10-27


And that's Jewish law is it?


In the very next chapter Abraham sits for a while with God and three angels, and he feeds them some cake, along with butter, meat, and milk. So kosher isn't really kosher.


Not to mention the killing unruly children instruction, and all the bonkers stuff, that must then be Jewish law.


Not that circumcision isn't bonkers though.



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And that's Jewish law is it?


In the very next chapter Abraham sits for a while with God and three angels, and he feeds them some cake, along with butter, meat, and milk. So kosher isn't really kosher.


Not to mention the killing unruly children instruction, and all the bonkers stuff, that must then be Jewish law.


Not that circumcision isn't bonkers though.




If Jews and Muslims weren't indoctrinated into it as children and were given an education free of religion, they would never consider any of it. If God wants them, he can come and get them at the age of consent.

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Genesis 17:10-27

Leviticus 12:2-3


The bit in Genesis is the covenant, an agreement, not a law.


The bit in Leviticus is invented by men. This makes it worthless, according to Jeffrey. I'll wait for his own answer to the question.

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I'm male and not circumsised, but I don't recall too many men who were circumsised, be they Muslim or Jewish or anything else, complaining about it.


that should immeadiately tell you something and should also bring into focus just what the fuss is about. If nobody is complaining, then just why is it an issue?

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I'm male and not circumsised, but I don't recall too many men who were circumsised, be they Muslim or Jewish or anything else, complaining about it.


that should immeadiately tell you something and should also bring into focus just what the fuss is about. If nobody is complaining, then just why is it an issue?


It's a violation of human rights for starters, nobody should be able to cut pieces off anyone else without their permission, unnecessarily.

It's also putting them at unnecessary risk of infection and deformity.


Let the kids decide for themselves when they are old enough, instead of forcing it upon them when they are defenceless and unwilling.

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I'm male and not circumsised, but I don't recall too many men who were circumsised, be they Muslim or Jewish or anything else, complaining about it.


that should immeadiately tell you something and should also bring into focus just what the fuss is about. If nobody is complaining, then just why is it an issue?


Have you read any part of this thread?

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male circumsion isn't anything like female circucumsion.


you won't find hardly anybody, that says, like the ladies, oh thanks for the campaign, i hope it helps others, because it messed up my life.


it's political correctness gone wrong. Almost all men that have been circumsised, aren't complaining about it. By contrast, almost all women that have been circumsised are.

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If nobody is complaining, then just why is it an issue?

Plenty of people ARE complaining...

No, in other words, I haven't tried to find any. I never made any claims about people wanting their foreskin back, it's YOU who keeps ranting on about that.

Since you keep pushing the issue, google brought up this guy, this guy, this guy, these guys, this guy :o, some guys on this page, these guys, this guy, and many more.


I haven't read through them. If you want any more you will have to google them yourself, I have no interest in your need to know about men who want their foreskin back.


Also on Youtube...


This guy (had it refitted!)

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