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Looks like circumcision could be banned.

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It's all about tight foreskins mate. Some men have difficulty retracting (or cannot retract) the foreskin when cleaning the penis. If all the cheese and other gunk that accumulates under the foreskin isn't removed then it stinks and eventually could cause infections or even in extreme cases cancer


From a medical journal


I believe the technical term is smegma. Hence such endearing terms as 'smeg head'.



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Once you're of appropriate age you can decided what is and isn't done to your body, until then I don't it's right and proper for young boys to be circumcised.


exactly, once you reach an age where you can make decisions you should be able to decide to cut any bit of your anatomy off if you so wish


little toe, foreskin, head

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i got all the way to 29 without having seen an uncircumsized penis ( and no i dont date muslim men before any smart ass pm's me. I aint muslim ) got to say i prefer circumsized



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just so happens that the vast majority of the type of men i find attractive have been circumsized. i find them a lot more aesthetically pleasing and nicer to handle


I've changed my mind. I think we should routinely circumcise all baby boys because sumayyah finds the look of the circumcised penis more pleasing.

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