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Immigrant to sue the UK for £11 million - for making him UNHAPPY

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What irks me, is that how on earth can this bloke 'just' get it to high court? You have to move mountains to get something to high court, and it costs a serious amount of money! You can't just pop in there for any old grievance. How the hell do they do it? No win no fee???????


You walk to the county court building in town. You ask them for a claim form.


You tell them that your claim is worth in excess of £1m. They say "pay this court fee". They then issue it in the High Court system.


Just because it says "it's a high court case" doesn't mean anything. It's been issued in the high court because of value. Anyone, anywhere can do that. You don't need a lawyer, you don't need a QC. You issue the claim form above a certain value and pay your court fee. You can do that for a case if you wish - if it has a value above the High Court limit (there's a few technicalities there as to limit, but over £1m, you'd be in the High Court).


The other point is the money - it does indeed cost a lot of money to issue a High Court claim. Unless you're on benefits, in which case you can claim reduced rates....but that's another argument.

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You walk to the county court building in town. You ask them for a claim form.


You tell them that your claim is worth in excess of £1m. They say "pay this court fee". They then issue it in the High Court system.


Just because it says "it's a high court case" doesn't mean anything. It's been issued in the high court because of value. Anyone, anywhere can do that. You don't need a lawyer, you don't need a QC. You issue the claim form above a certain value and pay your court fee. You can do that for a case if you wish - if it has a value above the High Court limit (there's a few technicalities there as to limit, but over £1m, you'd be in the High Court).


The other point is the money - it does indeed cost a lot of money to issue a High Court claim. Unless you're on benefits, in which case you can claim reduced rates....but that's another argument.


Blimey!!!!...I'm gobsmacked!.....Or rather the claimant needs to be! :hihi:

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The whole story is a fiction-just how many people will swallow this hook line etc.if it is in the Sun it is not real!


In true Sheffield Forum style, can I ask you to prove that claim :suspect:

The Sun is very popular in factories and building sites around the UK by the way !

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A fiction? Well, Daniel Kiunsi is his name; and he's an electrical engineer.

I imagine that both details could be verified. If they're true, wherein lies the "fiction"?


It's not fictional, but as you and I know, it's sensationalised to a ridiculous level. As I've mentioned earlier, some oddball has wandered off to the high court, having attempted to fill out a claim form, lodged it (possibly) and then told the press. The Sun, being the paper they are, headline it to suggest that this guy is fighting some huge court battle, going to win, and will cost the uk £11mill. The reality is very different to what is portrayed.

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In true Sheffield Forum style, can I ask you to prove that claim :suspect:

The Sun is very popular in factories and building sites around the UK by the way !


Have you not been reading the thread! It is fictional in the way that it massively overhypes the story to the point that the truth is lost in the hyperbole.


One thing that people can't complain about this dislikable individual involved in the case, is that they can't moan that he hasn't assimilated himself within our culture. He seems to taken "where there's blame, there's a claim" into his heart readily.

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