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Immigrant to sue the UK for £11 million - for making him UNHAPPY

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I think I'll counter sue the immigrant..he's making me unhappy with his thanklessness


You won't be able to establish locus standi and you'll be declared a vexatious litigant.


Which is exactly what should be found in the case of the litigant in question !

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Yes, but it's not necessarily the case that he will get nothing either is it? The section about human rights and providing for his family's basic needs sounds like it could well be something he would stand a chance of winning I would think. Particularly if he took it beyond that system with the human rights claims he's making and into the EHCR system perhaps?


Not really, he can always provide for his family in his native country

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Yes, but it's not necessarily the case that he will get nothing either is it? The section about human rights and providing for his family's basic needs sounds like it could well be something he would stand a chance of winning I would think. Particularly if he took it beyond that system with the human rights claims he's making and into the EHCR system perhaps?


I'd say it's highly likely he'll get nothing.


I'd say it's highly likely that after they've finished laughing, the treasury solicitors will simply write to the Court pointing out the case has no reasonable prospects and asking for it to be struck out, that is, the court says "Hang on Mr Crazy Person, this is stupid. Go away".


To get to the ECHR is very difficult, and by that point, he would need representing. Not going to happen.


To answer the other person who I forgot to quote, he can indeed be deported whilst this is ongoing. You don't have to live in a country to bring a claim there.

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The late, great Bernard Levin once proposed a new unit of money. It was- in his day- something like £11m.

The idea was that it would be a standard amount claimed by any chancer for no matter what trivial occurrence.

How prescient he was!



If my clients are anything to go by, it's £100,000. Everyone thinks their case is worth £100,000. No idea where that figure came from though!

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Sorry, I was wrong in my post the other day...




It should have read,


'First, they came for the immigrants'


as The Scum started with the immigrants the day before the fatties.


What a week of top class stories we've had, eh? The Scum has finally turned in to The Daily Sport crossed with Der Sturmer. Utterly sickening -but what's more of a concern is that people are actually debating this BS as if there's basis in reality.


At least the people of Liverpool know what The Scum is about.


You focus on the guy who had his passport confiscated, whilst the banks and governments plunder your assets and give them to the likes of Murdoch.

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If he wins the money, lets hope he spends his money on a plane fare and flies out of the Uk and into a country that would make him happy.


If I hated Spain and I wanted to sue Spain for making me unhappy (if I lived there), I'd be happy to be compensated with £150, I'd spend the compensation ticket on a one way Easyjet ticket back to the UK.

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It is farcical the way the borders agency is run, people get away with staying here when they are told they cannot. What is worrying as well is, will the taxpayer get lumbered with the costs for such a ridiculous claim, never mind the lawyers will be smiling.


That reminds me of an episode of UK Border Patrol.They raided work places eg restaurants and packing places and found a total of 19 illegals.They had no paperwork to prove they where allowed in the UK.The illegals where told to return with the paperwork, to the nearest immigration office, lol.Just one turned up,the others disappeared :loopy:

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