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Football for the unskilled

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I think what would be best is if we all have a meet somewhere such as a park and have a kick around so we can see what sort of numbers turn up. After maybe look at booking a pitch somewhere, how does that sound?




Agree with this. I am up for it and there looks like there may be enough interest for couple of days e.g one in week and one on weekend.

Let me know sounds good.



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  • 2 months later...

Evening, good folks.


I don't know if anything came of the above, but if not, here's a proposition for you:


We're a bunch of lads (and occasionally lasses in the past) who enjoy a kick about on Wednesday evenings. We're none of us too bothered about playing competetively; we're in it for the chance to run around for a bit and kick a ball up & down. There's no bad language or bad-mouthing people for a bungled pass or an own-goal, we're pretty relaxed (though sometimes it gets a bit more serious if we get to 19-all in a game to 20!)


We're struggling for numbers at the moment, so I'm wondering if anybody would like to come down and play to see if we're the kind of folk you could enjoy running around a pitch with for 90 minutes. We average just over 30 years old, so it's not crazy athletic or anything.


We'll be at Powerleague (pitch 1 - in the far corner on the club house side) from around 8pm (probably get there for ten past) tonight (or next Wednesday) if you fancy popping along.


Any questions or if you're up for it, just send me a message.





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