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Sheftival Festival - 4th/5th August 2012

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I thought it was brilliant


I think the £12 wasnt too bad a price for the bands that were on. Enough acts of note to make it worthwhile, but not too big that meant price was much higher.


However, it was the sports side of things I loved the most, although this is from my perspective as a parent (probably wouldnt have been so bothered had I been childless). Having all the different sports for my daughter to try out was brilliant and she thoroughly enjoyed it.


I think this festival is fantastic for families (even if you didnt want to go to the music you were able to access the stadium and EIS to try out the sports for free)


Food and drink prices were exactly what you would expect at any outdoor event (actually thought some stalls were lower in price than a lot of the other festivals I had been too)


Would definitaly do it again next year

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hold on its ok for you to call me tight you dont know me so cant say nothing . lets face it id like to see the numbers that went tramlines was heaving why ? because its free and gives a great vibe to the city events like this dont why because of the price to get in.


Yeah, couldn't agree more. £12 for a whole day of bands and entertainment, I ask you. It's just like when I went to the cinema after Tramlines and they expected me to pay to get in - outrageous. Then afterwards, when I went to MacDonalds, I was astounded when they wanted some money for my Big Mac - they'd have a lot more people in there if they just gave away the food for nothing. They should just get volunteers to work in there and do that I reckon.

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Yeah, couldn't agree more. £12 for a whole day of bands and entertainment, I ask you. It's just like when I went to the cinema after Tramlines and they expected me to pay to get in - outrageous. Then afterwards, when I went to MacDonalds, I was astounded when they wanted some money for my Big Mac - they'd have a lot more people in there if they just gave away the food for nothing. They should just get volunteers to work in there and do that I reckon.


It wasnt entertaining for the 2hrs i was there, see previous post, it was rubbish and on the bowl (the area where you had to pay £12 to get in) it was virtually empty with people coming out saying how pants it was! I can only assume it was better at night, perhaps after 7ish. But there was no vibe, atmosphere or anything.

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It wasnt entertaining for the 2hrs i was there, see previous post, it was rubbish and on the bowl (the area where you had to pay £12 to get in) it was virtually empty with people coming out saying how pants it was! I can only assume it was better at night, perhaps after 7ish. But there was no vibe, atmosphere or anything.


our lot went in just before the main bands came on .....we saved money by drinking in the local bars...decent drinks in glass pint pots at a proper price.....then we got jungle lion,selecter and toots for 12 quid...best 12 quid you'll ever spend gig wise :)

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Yeah, couldn't agree more. £12 for a whole day of bands and entertainment, I ask you. It's just like when I went to the cinema after Tramlines and they expected me to pay to get in - outrageous. Then afterwards, when I went to MacDonalds, I was astounded when they wanted some money for my Big Mac - they'd have a lot more people in there if they just gave away the food for nothing. They should just get volunteers to work in there and do that I reckon.


hold on there so paying 12 pound to watch the bands you say but paying over inflated prices for beer and food you can be cocky as you want but i ask you if im wrong why was only 15k there all weekend and most of them were in the free bit? are the thousands of people wrong who didnt go ?

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Oh go away i think your just after an argument. End of the day you were'nt prepared to spend £12. We were and we enjoyed it, leave it at that.


I assum your not talking to me? As previously stated i often go to festivals whether it be big ones like glasto or little free ones, so im alaays prepared to pay if its worth it.

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Oh go away i think your just after an argument. End of the day you were'nt prepared to spend £12. We were and we enjoyed it, leave it at that.


so people cant have a opinion if you think 12 pound is good value bully for you but i think the numbers of people said different

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It was the first time that festival has run. Just like Tramlines tweaks itself each year, this festival will tweak itself, I just hope it broke even.


Good things:

*The barge. Saw three bands on here, the brilliant Pocket Satellite, The superbly talented Early Cartographers and much loved Dodgy (with added Sarah Mac who I admit to having not seen before - Sarah, you've got a new fan!) and Ian Whitehead. It was lovely. Next year two barges please -know you can do it Lee! :D

*The synced stages, (nearly) one stage finished and just within earshot was the other which was timed to start as one was finished. The only fail of this was The Crookes. who in the middle of the acapella section of 'Magicians' had to compete against the Bongo band and lost! But it saved you having to sit around. Really liked the Juju stage!

*The sports for kids, there was loads for all ages to do and the passport was a great idea, maybe not quite so prescriptive next time! (Bingo card stylee- get a line?)

*The drumming was great fun.

*Plenty of choice of whether you wanted to mosh at the front, stand in the middle or chill on the grass at the back of gigs and still see!

*The absolutely exquisite wristbands - they were beautiful!

*The amount of stalls and bars - you couldn't grumble that there were queues.

*I didn't venture into the stadium at all but my friends did and they loved the sport!


The bits to improve:

*Make more of the jettyside. This would have been a lovely area for a seated "tea" dance and cakes (my idea) or jazz/cocktails stage (as Rad said to me.) The sausage van did nothing for me so I left to get food. Also a covered bit in case it does rain down there.

*The dance tent would have been better in the main arena, it did look like a backstage area and the security placed at the gate made it look like you couldn't go in.

*Ice cream - Our Cow Molly and Yee Kwan would have been appreciated although I love the snow cone place!

*A Sheffield market area would have been lovely in the free bit and brought some extra people down with Sheffield food traders - get Miss Cindz to coordinate this bit for you next year!

*The food stalls in the free bit were signifcantly better than in the bowl, not sure if that's to do with arena contracts?

*Get better promoters to entice people into the EIS. We went in and the events didn't seem to be running that were promised at that time.It's such a great building and a lot of people don't really know that much about it.

*The breakdance tent never had breakdancers when we went past. Bring some dancers to get the crowd going.


On the whole, well done Sheftival. Reasonably well blocked sets - pop afternoons, Ska Saturday (although I did feel for the Jungle lions who felt rushed off for Selector (yes I know I spelt it incorrectly, I don't care) and Britpop Sunday evening. Knowing who was on in the Thornbridge tent would have been good, I didn't venture there all weekend in the end but I never felt short of something to do. Thank you to all those who assembled it, worked it and volunteered! £20 well spent!

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