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Assisted-Suicide or Murder? - The Tony Nicklinson Story

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Should a Doctor be allowed to assist a man to die?

Or is assisted-suicide a dark opening into legal-murder?





I hoping the law is changed before I am allowed to suffer a prolonged death, we are kinder to our pets that other humans.

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I'm not sure a wish to die can be attributed to a Tory regime!...We'd all be dropping like flies if that were the case! :hihi:


Lots of elderly people have lost hope under the tories. They have systematically taken away the care that they used to rely on. The lady who died stated quite openly that she felt that this government was out to get them. I am talking about elderly poor here who are having their basic care needs removed by Cameron. The blood is on his hands.

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Er, not quite. The Court held that murdering him would be a criminal offence- obviously.


Well yes...I get your point and stand corrected. But it does seem a bit of a coincidence that a very short time after losing in court, that he should pass away 'peacefuly'.


Oh, and before anyone pulls me up on that, I'm not suggesting anything untoward was responsible.

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But why should doctors [tasked with saving life] be permitted to kill?


You seem to have a foot in both camps Jeffrey, clearly you have no concept of people being so fed up of living that they see no other way out. Hope it doesn't happen in your family like it did in ours. Perhaps you won't be so holier than thou then

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You seem to have a foot in both camps Jeffrey, clearly you have no concept of people being so fed up of living that they see no other way out. Hope it doesn't happen in your family like it did in ours. Perhaps you won't be so holier than thou then

I have a foot in neither camp. Please familiarise yourself with the concepts of 'logic' and 'discussion'.

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