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Assisted-Suicide or Murder? - The Tony Nicklinson Story

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If the law was changed to allow doctors to legally kill someone in Tony Nicklinson's condition, with appropriate safeguards in place, would it still be defined as murder?


If the law was changed then it couldn't be murder..at least in the eyes of the law..

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If the law was changed to allow doctors to legally kill someone in Tony Nicklinson's condition, with appropriate safeguards in place, would it still be defined as murder?

Clearly not, because it's the criminal law that defined what's murder and what isn't.

After all, that's exactly the rationale of the Suicide Act 1961.

But Courts cannot change statute law nor disapply clear common-law rules; and that's what he was trying to make them do.

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Bit of a cold conclusion, one can only hope you never become ill, plus I wonder if you lot in your ivory towers would have pulled your post, had it been made by one of us, I bet you sweet aunt fanny you would.:loopy:


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OK..you can see why I asked...


Yes I can....But reading the link, it seems it only applies in a case where the heart stops, and specifically deals with the benefits (or not) of resusitation. There was probably one in place in Tony's case, but was pretty unlikely to happen, not without other complicating factors. (I would have thought).


So who would be held responsible for allowing him not to be fed?


As I understand it, Ian Brady is currently refusing food and is being force fed to keep him alive!...What's the difference?

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Really? It's just that http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-19341722 says this (with my underlining):


Tony Nicklinson, a man with locked-in syndrome who fought for the right for doctors to legally end his life, has died...Mr Nicklinson wanted the "right-to-die" yet was unable to take his own life or take a cocktail of lethal drugs prepared for him. He would need to be killed by someone else, which would constitute murder.


Yes really, the law of murder wouldn’t change, it would still be the unlawful premeditated killing of another human, assisted suicide would be lawful, so wouldn’t be murder.

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