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Assisted-Suicide or Murder? - The Tony Nicklinson Story

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Why is there a difference between this and a DNR notice? Genuine question..


DNAR (do not attempt resuscitation) is a notice usually served when, in the event of a cardio-pulmonary arrest (the heart stops beating and the person stops breathing) that no attempts to resuscitate the individual will take place (e.g., CPR and assisted ventilation) which is a decision not made lightly and one where it is generally thought that any resuscitation would be futile.

To assist the death of a person, which is what I believe was the issue being discussed, is a totally different thing.

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Are they understandable as she didn't seem particularily clued up at all and I doubt that there''d be thousands of people suddenly appearing so surely the very few cases could be taken on a case by case decision, There are going to be an awful lot of knee jerk reactions and probably quite a few out spoken people who are going to try and muddy the waters but until some-one actually tries to get a law passed then it's difficult to say how it would work as none of the safe guards have been discussed or even considered by parliament

Thanks; so, at present, you cannot rebut them.

A good reason for not changing the law, then.

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DNAR (do not attempt resuscitation) is a notice usually served when, in the event of a cardio-pulmonary arrest (the heart stops beating and the person stops breathing) that no attempts to resuscitate the individual will take place (e.g., CPR and assisted ventilation) which is a decision not made lightly and one where it is generally thought that any resuscitation would be futile.

To assist the death of a person, which is what I believe was the issue being discussed, is a totally different thing.


What's the difference between assisted suicide and the Liverpool "care" pathway ? Whenever I read about that, which seems to decided by doctors rather than family, it always seems a hairs breath away from pressing a pillow over someone's face.

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Heard him last week on Radio 4 after the court verdict , sobbing , it was heartbreaking . Heard the news today and am not ashamed to say that , although I never knew the man personally , sobbed my heart out . May Tony Nicklinson now rest in peace , thoughts go out to his family .


Why is the law so inflexible ? Why shouldn't individuals be able to apply for a licence "to hasten death" , on a case by case basis , overseen by a panel from all walks of life who can be convened as and when , not salaried but maybe just on a retainer ? Surely this could be simply set up at minimal cost . If this government ( and I use the term very loosely as it involves red , blue and yellow) can pass the Health Bill in a single afternoon , why can't an independent panel be set up and some legislation drafted to support this ?????

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