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Assisted-Suicide or Murder? - The Tony Nicklinson Story

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I think the post she referred to when claiming to have addressed that question, was probably this one-


I'm in favour of you having the choice,and in favour of everyone having the choice,at least thats thats my emotional response,but when i examine it objectively its the impact on everyone else i think about,and on the consequences it may have on society in general.

I don't need to go into those concerns i've allready mentioned some of them on previous posts.


where, initially, it seems to be that she is in favour of everyone having the choice, but then adds that that is her 'emotional response'- however, when she examines the issue objectively, she's troubled by the 'impact on sociecty' etc, the implication being (she doesn't state it explicitly) that, due to those 'objective' issues, she's not in favour of everyone having that choice.


From her other posts, it would also seem she's not in favour of everyone having the choice of how and when their life ends- apparently she's going to not be in favour of that until all the side-issues have been discussed and resolutions reached?


In doing so, in my eyes, she, and all the others who take that stance, are complicit in extending the suffering of those who do wish to die, yet are prevented from doing so by these (IMO) unjust laws that make it illegal for them to recieve the willing assistance necessary from those with the compassion to assist them in acheiving their wish.

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So now you choose to label me,and imply that i am insisting the law shouldn't be changed,thats not what i'm saying at all.

If you choose to misinterpret my comments then continue to do so if it makes you feel better,but don't expect any further discussion from me.


If I've misinterpreted your comments, then I apologise. You always have the option of endeavouring to clarify your position, just as I've attempted to clarify my position on the occasions you've misinterpreted mine- that's fairly standard in any discussions of this nature.


However, if you wish to have no further discussion, then that's also OK.

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What arrogance!


A human beings choice to end their own life is their choice- it's not something to be granted by you or others.


As for depression, yes i expect that many disabled people who view their lives as not being worth living, may well be miserable- I'll not use the term 'depressed' as it's a loaded term which, to some, equates as being ill. or not being of sound mind.


But not every one who feels miserable about their life is depressed in that sense- they've simply balanced the pros and cons and come to a perfectly rational conclusion that they wish to not live any longer.


It's their life, their choice, and, were they able bodied, one they could legally carry out.


Your belief that, when it comes to people just as rational, but who are too disabled to carry it out themselves, should be denied it, is out and out discrimination against one of the most vulnerable groups in our society.

Ok then let's go into a proper discussion on this... What are you saying then? ..that anybody should be entitled to end their life by law? Not just the terminally ill but anyone? ..Is this what your saying?

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Ok then let's go into a proper discussion on this... What are you saying then? ..that anybody should be entitled to end their life by law? Not just the terminally ill but anyone? ..Is this what your saying?


Everyone is already entitled to end their own lives by law, aren't they?

The issue here is assisted suicide, for those who are unable to end their own lives but want to.

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Everyone is already entitled to end their own lives by law, aren't they?

The issue here is assisted suicide, for those who are unable to end their own lives but want to.

Yes but dave toke it off topic, he saying disabled people should have the right too. I think he getting mixed up with the word disabled. Does he think you have to be in a wheelchair to be disabled...maybe he can answer when he comes on...and also dave stop putting words in my mouth.. I am with the agreement for terminally ill patients been given the right to die, lock in syndrome too but what I was saying is because it's not classed as terminal it would be very hard to enforce it, if they said yes to tony then there would have been thousands of other cases who were not in nowhere near as situation as tony but still wants to end their lifes

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I don't agree with all disabled people, disabled are more likely to suffer with depression so giving them the choice to end it wouldn't be morally right..the only reason I said lock in syndrome sufferers would not be included is because it's not classed as terminal, meaning it would be alot harder for the law to include that


How the hell do you know how much a disable person suffers? You talk as if "disabled people" all have the same severity of disability, which in your eyes seems to be not much.


Something that may not seem so severe to you, like blindness, loss of limbs or partial paralysis are more than just a passing thought to those whom it affects. They have to live and cope with it, for many they have had to adapt to it from being fully-abled previously. A disability can change your life completely and permanently, sometimes in unbearable ways.

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How the hell do you know how much a disable person suffers? You talk as if "disabled people" all have the same severity of disability, which in your eyes seems to be not much.


Something that may not seem so severe to you, like blindness, loss of limbs or partial paralysis are more than just a passing thought to those whom it affects. They have to live and cope with it, for many they have had to adapt to it from being fully-abled previously. A disability can change your life completely and permanently, sometimes in unbearable ways.

How the hell do you know that everyone who is blind, loss of limbs or partial paralysis want to die? ..It's you who is sayin their life is not worth living....What gives you the right to say that.......many people come out of depression so you want them to make a decision when they are not sound of mind

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Yes but dave toke it off topic, he saying disabled people should have the right too. I think he getting mixed up with the word disabled. Does he think you have to be in a wheelchair to be disabled...maybe he can answer when he comes on...and also dave stop putting words in my mouth.. I am with the agreement for terminally ill patients been given the right to die, lock in syndrome too but what I was saying is because it's not classed as terminal it would be very hard to enforce it, if they said yes to tony then there would have been thousands of other cases who were not in nowhere near as situation as tony but still wants to end their lifes

He didn't take it off topic at all, I think you are the one who misunderstands the word disabled.


Disabled- having a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities.

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Yes but dave toke it off topic, he saying disabled people should have the right too. I think he getting mixed up with the word disabled. Does he think you have to be in a wheelchair to be disabled...maybe he can answer when he comes on


I think he, along with myself and others is saying that everyone should have the right to choose how and when they die, which must include those people that are incapable of committing suicide. As it stands I could kill myself in many different ways, some of those ways would involve trauma to others, jumping in front of a bus for instance. It would make more sense for assisted suicide to be legal so that suicide can be both painless and dignified.

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