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Assisted-Suicide or Murder? - The Tony Nicklinson Story

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How the hell do you know that everyone who is blind, loss of limbs or partial paralysis want to die?


Where on Earth have I said that they want to die? Making assisted suicide legal does not mean that these people will be forced to die! :suspect::huh:

..It's you who is sayin their life is not worth living....What gives you the right to say that

I didn't, you just made it up :suspect:

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I think he, along with myself and others is saying that everyone should have the right to choose how and when they die, which must include those people that are incapable of committing suicide. As it stands I could kill myself in many different ways, some of those ways would involve trauma to others, jumping in front of a bus for instance. It would make more sense for assisted suicide to be legal so that suicide can be both painless and dignified.

Can you hear what your saying? So if I kill myself now it's okay is it.. I'm healthy and fit yet coz I was unhappy with life I wanted to kill myself....now that is when you move on to selfishness..what about my family I would leave behind...What about my kids?

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Can you hear what your saying? So if I kill myself now it's okay is it.. I'm healthy and fit yet coz I was unhappy with life I wanted to kill myself....now that is when you move on to selfishness..what about my family I would leave behind...What about my kids?


That's already permitted, anyone can kill themselves, regardless of their health.

Why are you taking it off topic, drone?

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That's already permitted, anyone can kill themselves, regardless of their health.

Why are you taking it off topic, drone?

I'm talking about having a lethal dose..the drink you have that finishes you off...people who jump off bridges have not commited suicide have they? Coz its not against the law to do that

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I'm talking about having a lethal dose..the drink you have that finishes you off...people who jump off bridges have not commited suicide have they? Coz its not against the law to do that


Am I reading you correctly here drone?

People who kill themselves by jumping off a bridge, are NOT comitting suicide?


(I don't know why this comment surprises me, coming from you)

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Yes but dave toke it off topic, he saying disabled people should have the right too. I think he getting mixed up with the word disabled. Does he think you have to be in a wheelchair to be disabled...maybe he can answer when he comes on...and also dave stop putting words in my mouth.. I am with the agreement for terminally ill patients been given the right to die, lock in syndrome too but what I was saying is because it's not classed as terminal it would be very hard to enforce it, if they said yes to tony then there would have been thousands of other cases who were not in nowhere near as situation as tony but still wants to end their lifes


But why should that be an issue, let’s assume you and I are involved in a car crash and we both suffer the same injuries, we are both paralysed from the neck down and incapable of caring for ourselves. My wish would be to die; I have expressed that wish to my children and wife, so I would hope that if the law allowed it I would be killed painlessly.

You on the other hand have expressed a wish to live in which case you are given as much care as possible, in fact because I chose to die there would be more resources for your care.

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How the hell do you know that everyone who is blind, loss of limbs or partial paralysis want to die? ..It's you who is sayin their life is not worth living....What gives you the right to say that.......many people come out of depression so you want them to make a decision when they are not sound of mind


He never said that. His post was pretty clear- some blind people may want to die, rather than face a life without vision- not all.


If a blind person, having lived enough whilst blind, decides they would prefer to not be alive, they are totally entitled to end their life.


Equally, many blind people find their life to be well worth living.

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