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Social services to remove baby for fear of being Radicalised

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The story below it too. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/321842/321842


Ridiculous. Makes you wonder how countless failures happen on the part of social services when they appear to be so strict and controlling in a number of high profile cases. Maybe it's all politically motivated.

A persons actions toward a police officer during a confrontation and an ex-partner in no way reflect on their ability to be a mother. She may not be a very nice person or someone you'd invite round for dinner but there are far worse examples of humanity out there raising or failing to raise kids where social services does not intervene.

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Social services should concentrate on looking after the kids they already have in care.


For more than 30 years now they have failed to act when their juvenile charges are picked up by drug dealers and pimps from the actual premises that are meant to be places of safety.


They want to act in the case of the 'EDL woman' because it smacks of white racism = Terribly Wicked


They have failed to act in the last 30 years because bringing attention to the problem smacks of non-white racism = Terribly Wicked but non-existent

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Social services should concentrate on looking after the kids they already have in care.


For more than 30 years now they have failed to act when their juvenile charges are picked up by drug dealers and pimps from the actual premises that are meant to be places of safety.


They want to act in the case of the 'EDL woman' because it smacks of white racism = Terribly Wicked


They have failed to act in the last 30 years because bringing attention to the problem smacks of non-white racism = Terribly Wicked but non-existent


My bold.


The social services are on a hiding to nothing. They can't win.


if they leave a vulnerable child with a feckless or abusive parent, the screams are heard "Why didn't they take the child away!"


If the child is taken into protective care, the screams that resound are "Why did they tear this child from its parents!"


It doesn't matter if there are a million children in care, or just one, if the next child they encounter needs a place of safety order, then it should be taken into care to be protected. end of story.

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My bold.


The social services are on a hiding to nothing. They can't win.


if they leave a vulnerable child with a feckless or abusive parent, the screams are heard "Why didn't they take the child away!"


If the child is taken into protective care, the screams that resound are "Why did they tear this child from its parents!"


It doesn't matter if there are a million children in care, or just one, if the next child they encounter needs a place of safety order, then it should be taken into care to be protected. end of story.



I agree with your sentiment however the next child is probably not getting a place of safety is it !

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Anyway, reading between the lines of the press report, I'd say the Social services are removing the child to protect it from the violence of the mother, not simply because she's EDL. The mother has a string of convictions for violence:-


The 25-year-old has a string of convictions for violence, including butting and biting a police officer after an EDL march in 2010 and she has been banned from owning dogs after setting a pit bull on a former partner.


I'd have qualms about leaving a baby with this woman under those circumstances.

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I agree with your sentiment however the next child is probably not getting a place of safety is it !


the next baby isn't around, yet.


Durham County Council told Mrs McLeod on Friday her unborn baby was being placed on its child protection register. Last month, a judge ruled that her three other children, who have different fathers, should be permanently removed from her care.


The Sunday Express is unable to give details of the judge’s explanation for legal reasons.


Documents seen by the Sunday Express reveal social workers are worried about Mrs McLeod’s previous alcohol and drug misuse, her “aggressive behaviour” and her alleged “mental health issues” .


They concede she is no longer involved with the EDL but believe she is now involved with a splinter group, the North West Infidels. The social worker’s report states: “Toni clearly needs to break away from the inappropriate friendships she has through either the EDL or break-off group in order that she can model and display appropriate positive relationships to the baby as he/she grows and develops.


“Toni has been a prominent member of the EDL. They claim they are a peaceful group, however, they have strong associations with violence and racism.”

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Anyway, reading between the lines of the press report, I'd say the Social services are removing the child to protect it from the violence of the mother, not simply because she's EDL. The mother has a string of convictions for violence:-




I'd have qualms about leaving a baby with this woman under those circumstances.


They are going to have a lot on their plate then.


Imagine having to check just how fundamentalist every Muslim family is when mum shows up at maternity !


Imagine the poor little cherub being raised intolerant of Israel, The US, The UK, Homosexuality.

Imagine the poor kid being brought up to accept arranged/forced marriage, Sharia law.


All the black mums going to be vetted? Dad if his identity is known or guessable might be a drug dealing yardie?

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Anyway, reading between the lines of the press report, I'd say the Social services are removing the child to protect it from the violence of the mother, not simply because she's EDL. The mother has a string of convictions for violence:-




I'd have qualms about leaving a baby with this woman under those circumstances.


It's not about leaving a child with them. It's about taking their child away from them.


Also, the circumstances of these prior offences are only known by the offender and the offendee.

Scuffles with policemen often occur. Especially at protests.

And many, possibly violent, ex partners deserve to be savaged by dogs.


If anything is going to push the EDL supporters further outside of society it's taking away their children because we don't like their views.


It's clear that they are making an example of the woman and would not happen if she was a member of any ethnic minority.

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"Mrs McLeod, who is 35 weeks pregnant, is a former leading member of the EDL, in which she was notorious as “English Angel”. The 25-year-old has a string of convictions for violence, including butting and biting a police officer after an EDL march in 2010 and she has been banned from owning dogs after setting a pit bull on a former partner.


Durham County Council told Mrs McLeod on Friday her unborn baby was being placed on its child protection register. Last month, a judge ruled that her three other children, who have different fathers, should be permanently removed from her care.


Documents seen by the Sunday Express reveal social workers are worried about Mrs McLeod’s previous alcohol and drug misuse, her “aggressive behaviour” and her alleged “mental health issues ".


The title says the threatened removal is because of a worry about radicalism but it turns out that it's down to the mother's alcohol and drug misuse, her violence and her mental health issues. Funny how the OP failed to mention that. It's nice of the OP to show everyone that an EDL member is a violent druggy wino who's round the twist. As if we didn't know.


I wonder how many people on here who'd normally be calling her a workshy benefits scrounger and to be sterilised will be supporting her because she shares their politics.

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