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Social services to remove baby for fear of being Radicalised

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That's a fairly offensive statement. Have you considered that many children identified as black actually have 50% white parentage? Many of those children have most in common with their white families, yet many social workers have seemed unable to grasp that fact. This is a case in point: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122464/Social-workers-snatched-white-parents-I-loved-make-live-black-family-How-colour-obsessed-foster-care-sentenced-Dawn-life-regret.html


Black and ethnic minority children are over represented because of rules that didn't allow the majority of adoptive parents (white) to adopt children whose skin didn't match theirs. Thankfully those rules are being done away with.


I dont think being accurate should be considered offensive.

I realize we live in a very PC world but theres no value in burying your head in the sand and denying whats true for the sake of offending someone..

Some times the truth hurts but thats life.

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That's a fairly offensive statement. Have you considered that many children identified as black actually have 50% white parentage? Many of those children have most in common with their white families, yet many social workers have seemed unable to grasp that fact. This is a case in point: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122464/Social-workers-snatched-white-parents-I-loved-make-live-black-family-How-colour-obsessed-foster-care-sentenced-Dawn-life-regret.html


Black and ethnic minority children are over represented because of rules that didn't allow the majority of adoptive parents (white) to adopt children whose skin didn't match theirs. Thankfully those rules are being done away with.


White mans fault then i guess :|

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I dont think being accurate should be considered offensive.

I realize we live in a very PC world but theres no value in burying your head in the sand and denying whats true for the sake of offending someone..

Some times the truth hurts but thats life.


Oh ConvictEdd, you're toying with us! :hihi:

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The woman in question has already had three children to three different fathers. Those children have been removed from her care, for unknown reasons. Surely her priority should be to prove she has been a decent parent to those children in order to get them back. If she is deemed fit to care for them, then her baby would be at less risk of being removed.


Her parenting skills shouldn't be too difficult to prove, she can't have brought her children up in isolation. I don't know their ages, but health visitors, nurseries, schools and doctors are likely to have been involved at some point and will have records. However, we don't know if the children were already on social services 'at risk' register. Reading this excerpt from the newspaper, makes me think they may have been: The 25-year-old has a string of convictions for violence, including butting and biting a police officer after an EDL march in 2010 and she has been banned from owning dogs after setting a pit bull on a former partner.


Not exactly good credentials for being a mum. :roll:


However, I think the media, once again, are concentrating (for very obvious reasons) on the wrong issues here.


Oh for goodness sake, Ms Macbeth, there you go, bringing truth, logic and the facts into the equation. What are the frothers going to do now their rants have been shot out of the water by the facts?


As you say, it's obvious that her parenting skills are questionable if she has had three previous children removed, permanently and is looking at the fourth being removed from her care imminently it is born. She is desperately lacking self control at the very least.


I said before, it's concerning to me that she has so many convictions for violence, and I would have the gravest reservations about the safety of any child in her care, if that is the sort of behaviour she exhibits.

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I dont think being accurate should be considered offensive.

I realize we live in a very PC world but theres no value in burying your head in the sand and denying whats true for the sake of offending someone..

Some times the truth hurts but thats life.


The problem is, edd, you are perfectly entitled to have your own opinions, but what you cannot have, are your own facts.

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A muslim racist, drug addict convicted of assaulting a police officer who's effectively a single parent of 3, soon to be four? You seriously believe she wouldn't come to the attention of social services?


The reasons for the removal of her other children can't be reported for legal reasons, but they will have to be robust ones to avoid a successful (legally aided) challenge against the order.


Well said ........

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In my experience there is never a political or religious reason that children are legally removed from their mother. There are very strict criteria at a case conference that many professionals have to adhere to, and agree with, before the chairperson makes a final decision, all of which would never be made public.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure what type of people want to become social workers, maybe people who were abused as children or bullied at school. The outcome is a heavily biased view of people who see extreme points of personality and are unable to create a balance in mind. Such dissonance creates a theory to which they fit the evidence to assure themselves they are right. This bias is then reported as an official finding which professional's (contradiction in term), reading this rubbish, find plausible and that's all that needs to be said, no proof is required.

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