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Ship 'carrying Russian attack helicopters to Syria' halted off Scotland

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The doomsday clock has been moved to 5minutes to 12. Haha.

Israel's existence is assured by American backing, it's underground nuclear weapons silos at dimona. And soon to be operational, German supplied nuclear submarines.

Makes for a good US anti-communist scaremongering story though.

Conveniently forgetting that the combined might of the communist navies is no match for even 1/5 of their own. Yet :)


The Soviet Union no longer exists, does anyone seriously consider the Russian Federation to be Communist?


Are the Chinese really Communist?

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It's just mankind's way of controlling over population. If there's not a significant pandemic or mass catastrophe we will need another huge war to keep numbers down.


The Banksters love over Population.


Huge demand for commodities, Mega Labour forces cutting each others throats.

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The Soviet Union no longer exists, does anyone seriously consider the Russian Federation to be Communist?


Are the Chinese really Communist?


Any country with an abundance of red on their flag is considered communist by America/American news.




Romney accused Obama of cosying up to the commies after it came out that he'd had extensive business dealings in china as an attempt to distance himself.


It's clear from the views of the few pretend Americans we have on sheff forum that they still blame everything wrong in the world on communism or socialism.

The funniest thing I remember seeing recently was during the healthcare bill Obama was pushing for. They interviewed an old toothless, impoverished looking woman on the news who said "we don't want your stinking socialism here".


Old hatreds and years of media brainwashing die hard so yes I'd say they are still considered communist in the eyes of many Americans.


But no. I don't believe any country is truly communist or ever has been. The same as I don't believe any country has ever been truly democratic.

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Yup. Tensions with Russia is what EU should be aiming for. especially since it's going to be a massive contributor to the IMFs European bailout fund.

When the world is full of powerful Sunni extremists calling all the shots we will wish a few more attack helicopters made it through to Syria.

Short term intervention=long term strife.


If it were the Americans supplying helicopters to Syria you'd be crowing about "evil American imperlalists filling their pockets with blood" money or some similar phraseology


When it's the Russians instead you stick em on a pedestal and make em out to be some kind of heroes "fighting powerful Sunni extremists"


What a clown :hihi:

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If it were the Americans supplying helicopters to Syria you'd be crowing about "evil American imperlalists filling their pockets with blood" money or some similar phraseology


When it's the Russians instead you stick em on a pedestal and make em out to be some kind of heroes "fighting powerful Sunni extremists"


What a clown :hihi:


It's all about taking sides. No doubt America is shipping arms in to Syria via Saudi and turkey. If they invaded that's a different matter altogether. But they aren't. Yet. There is a difference between backing allies with supplies and occupying a country to control its wealth.

As I do not want to see the fall of Assad in this shambolic attack on Syria's sovereignty I would like to see the rebels defeated. If russian helicopters help then so be it.

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It's all about taking sides. No doubt America is shipping arms in to Syria via Saudi and turkey. If they invaded that's a different matter altogether. But they aren't. Yet. There is a difference between backing allies with supplies and occupying a country to control its wealth.

As I do not want to see the fall of Assad in this shambolic attack on Syria's sovereignty I would like to see the rebels defeated. If russian helicopters help then so be it.


Keep it up :hihi: Werent you rambling on in another thread about Americans contributing to the slaughter of Libyans in that little war?


Who are you to say that Assad should remain in power? You dont live in Syria, you dont know the repressions and lack of freedoms that the average Syrian might live with on a daily basis.


Easy to make comments like that from the democratic, safe and peaceful city of Sheffield :D

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Keep it up :hihi: Werent you rambling on in another thread about Americans contributing to the slaughter of Libyans in that little war?


Who are you to say that Assad should remain in power? You dont live in Syria, you dont know the repressions and lack of freedoms that the average Syrian might live with on a daily basis.


Easy to make comments like that from the democratic, safe and peaceful city of Sheffield :D


France and the uk were responsible for the troubles in Libya, along with NATO.

I cannot comment on whether Assad will or should stay in power. I can only state my opinion which is that I hope he will.

As the country I have spent the majority of the last 20years And hopefully the next 40years in borders with and occupies part of Syria and any change would indirectly affect the lives of people I care about in Israel I feel I am entitled to that opinion.

It might not be a popular opinion during a civil war when massacres of children are occuring but it is still an opinion. That's what forums are for. Stating opinions. Not attempting to bully or gang up on anyone who doesn't share your anti-communist, pro-America mentality into cessation and name calling.

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France and the uk were responsible for the troubles in Libya, along with NATO.

I cannot comment on whether Assad will or should stay in power. I can only state my opinion which is that I hope he will.

As the country I have spent the majority of the last 20years And hopefully the next 40years in borders with and occupies part of Syria and any change would indirectly affect the lives of people I care about in Israel I feel I am entitled to that opinion.

It might not be a popular opinion during a civil war when massacres of children are occuring but it is still an opinion. That's what forums are for. Stating opinions. Not attempting to bully or gang up on anyone who doesn't share your anti-communist, pro-America mentality into cessation and name calling.


Hope a leader of a country who uses artillery and gun ships to slaughter his own people (while his bitch of a missus orders jewelry and other expensive luxuries from the fashion houses of Europe) stays in power?


Sooner or later he'll end up in the same sorry state as Ghadaffi did but not

before there are a lot more deaths of women and kids


The only thing i can agree with is that there should be in intervention on the US side. The US always comes out as the chief villain in these kinds of wars, loses too many of it's young men and women, spends too much of it's dwindling treasury and the outcomes are far from certain.


Russian president Putin on the other hand is a weasel whose not all that universally popular in his own country and no supporter of even peaceful dissent.


Seeing Assad topple may stir some feellings of insecurity within himself.

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