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Is David Cameron Showing strong leadership standing up to Argentina..or?

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In the recent encounter with the Argentinian President and David Cameron during the G20 summit, is David Cameron showing strong leadership and resolve in regard to the Falklands.




Is it all to easy, and pretty much anyone could do the same, given that the Falkland Islanders themselves will almost certainly vote to be kept under British sovereignty, and we have no intention of even entering into discussion about the Falklands! And.... we gave them a spanking last time!


I rather think the latter!


Over to you lot now!

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The referendum is a good move isn't it..if they vote to stay part of the UK (as most people suspect) then that makes any attempt by Argentina to claim the islands look a bit,well, imperialist and aggressive doesn't it..two things which people are only too quick to accuse us of being..

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Is there any party leader or politician that would do anything different to what he has done?


George Galloway possibly, but then he is certifiable.


That's exactly my point!...To me it's easy peasy, and tries to give the impression that he's a big strong man and standing up to the Argentinians.


Whereas, it's nothing of the sort!

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is David Cameron showing strong leadership and resolve in regard to the Falklands.




Is it all to easy, and pretty much anyone could do the same

Any incumbent at No.10 would stand up to the Argentinians' rethoric, regardless of who he/she is and which political persuasion, and thereby "show (strong/not strong, that's a very relative adjective) leadership and resolve in regard to the Falklands".


So, yours is a bit of circular (and redundant) question, really: it just happens that when Argentinians are drumming it up all again, it is Cameron's turn to live at No.10.


What more would you have Cameron (or another lib-lab-con-ukip-bnp-etc.) PM do? Send some tomahawks to level Buenos Aires? Would that be "strong leadership and resolve in regard to the Falklands" enough in your eyes?

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That's exactly my point!...To me it's easy peasy, and tries to give the impression that he's a big strong man and standing up to the Argentinians.


Whereas, it's nothing of the sort!


Would you prefer they had a stand up toe to toe about it..? We did that once..about 30 years ago...there's a saying "work smarter not harder"..good advice I think..isn't the outcome the important thing?

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I think he has approached the Falklands situation rather well.


He isn't prepared to discuss anything til the the people have had their referendum. I also think the islanders would be insulted if he was to discuss anything before the referendum.


The islanders already don't like the fact that she ignored their letter and it seems Argentina are doing everything to avoid contact with the islanders. They just want the backing of other country's so they can bully the islanders into submission it seems to me.


I am not sure Argentina actually give a toss about what Britain or the Falklanders themselves actually think.

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Aren't the Argentinians the descendants of the Conquistadors anyway? If so then this makes Fernandez moralising look ridiculous e.g. we like to be colonisers but then moan when someone plays the game better than us.


I'm surprised nobody's pointed out that if Clegg were PM he'd sit down wringing his hands and conceding that Argentina has some strong ethical arguments and...

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Any incumbent at No.10 would stand up to the Argentinians' rethoric, regardless of who he/she is and which political persuasion, and thereby "show (strong/not strong, that's a very relative adjective) leadership and resolve in regard to the Falklands".


So, yours is a bit of circular (and redundant) question, really: it just happens that when Argentinians are drumming it up all again, it is Cameron's turn to live at No.10.


What more would you have Cameron (or another lib-lab-con-ukip-bnp-etc.) PM do? Send some tomahawks to level Buenos Aires? Would that be "strong leadership and resolve in regard to the Falklands" enough in your eyes?


I sort of agree with you......I'm not saying any PM of any persuasion would do anything different.


It's just that I overheard someone the other day, pontificating about 'Daves' strong leadership and how he wasn't going to be bullied...etc...etc It struck me that, that's the 'spin' he would like to have us all believe.


That's my point! :)

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I sort of agree with you......I'm not saying any PM of any persuasion would do anything different.


It's just that I overheard someone the other day, pontificating about 'Daves' strong leadership and how he wasn't going to be bullied...etc...etc It struck me that, that's the 'spin' he would like to have us all believe.


That's my point! :)


Can you define strong leadership..he hasn't rolled over to the Argentinians has he..?

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