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Assange given asylum in Ecuador.

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I like how the media are throwing the quote about on how he's wanted for treason in America. Seeing how this assange is Swedish how can he have committed treason , don't you need to be say American to commit treason in America ?


He is Australian not Swedish.


I don`t think i would want to stand trial in a foreign country if i believed my life was in danger either.


Also he is friends with Ecuadorian prime minister after giving him some very sensitive information about the Americans and what they were doing that ****** him off.

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Quote from why he chose Ecuador.


The South American country in April 2011 became the only one to officially expel a U.S. ambassador over the scandal generated by the thousands of leaked diplomatic cables. Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa—a populist firebrand whose thin-skinned response to the stolen cables’ detailing police corruption in Ecuador prompted U.S. ambassador Heather Hodges’ dismissal—has faced global criticism over his track record on free speech and could see in Assange just the character to help him restore some of his tarnished credentials.


Read more: http://world.time.com/2012/06/19/why-is-ecuador-julian-assanges-choice-for-asylum/#ixzz1yNVGtXKy

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Be disappointing to see Britain hand him over.


The rape/coercion charge is the biggest pile of horse turd that's ever come to court.



Shame on Sweden for cooperating and yet more shame on the states for their pettiness following the wikileaks humiliation.


Not many groups he hasn't upset. Freedom of information comes at too great a cost. Destroyed his life and reputation because he wanted to open people's eyes.




Pretty sure the people who posted bail would rather he remain free and be able to repay their donations at a later date.


Soon make £240000 posing for photos with tourists, ronnie Biggs style, in ecuador. :)

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Its also interesting how he made himself available for interview in the UK but they declined the choice and went for extradition.


Also it isn`t a charge of rape he faces,it`s Rape accusations = consensual sex without use of a condom.The woman wanted him to wear a condom and apparently he didn`t.

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They're not interested in the truth or justice. It's all about saving what little face they have left and stopping him doing it again.

If he's not formally extradited or spends the the rest of life in hiding he'll end up another one of those: died of a massive overdose, fell off his yacht and drowned, went running in the woods and died of a massive heart attack with electrode marks found in the autopsy, comitted suicide or some other horrendous end to silence him.


Now where'd I put my foil hat and microwave deflector suit?:)

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Its also interesting how he made himself available for interview in the UK but they declined the choice and went for extradition.


Also it isn`t a charge of rape he faces,it`s Rape accusations = consensual sex without use of a condom.The woman wanted him to wear a condom and apparently he didn`t.


So dick likes to ride bare back. He wouldnt need a slick lawyer to get out of that one.

All he has to tell the police is "Hey couldnt wear a condom cos there aint one big enough to fit mine"


He could well end up a national hero earning a fortune in soft porn Swedish movies

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They're not interested in the truth or justice. It's all about saving what little face they have left and stopping him doing it again.

If he's not formally extradited or spends the the rest of life in hiding he'll end up another one of those: died of a massive overdose, fell off his yacht and drowned, went running in the woods and died of a massive heart attack with electrode marks found in the autopsy, comitted suicide or some other horrendous end to silence him.


Now where'd I put my foil hat and microwave deflector suit?:)


The stuff he leaked more than likely overlaps into British security and or NATO as well

It's just not about "tweaking the nose of the americans" There's far more involved than that. No one knows what comes down the pipe from such leaks.

A UK soldier in Afganistan might pay the ultimate penalty one day. Course I dont expect funnel minds to consider that possibility

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There are a few IRA hiding out here


And nazis. :) where abouts are the hitlers again? Is it long island?

African blood. Chinese labour and nazi science. It's a good base for a country if ever there was one. Such an awesome history I can't imagine why Assange wouldn't want to be sent there for trial.


Not sure why the IRA fellas are 'hiding out' given American support for their cause.

More likely all have bars in Boston that are adorned with congressional medals of honor and are in receipt of veterans benefits.

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The stuff he leaked more than likely overlaps into British security and or NATO as well

It's just not about "tweaking the nose of the americans" There's far more involved than that. No one knows what comes down the pipe from such leaks.

A UK soldier in Afganistan might pay the ultimate penalty one day. Course I dont expect funnel minds to consider that possibility


How will any soldier "pay the ultimate price" as a result of Julian Assange's actions?

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