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Assange given asylum in Ecuador.

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A "secret" indictment?! Not much of secret, it is, if you know about it.


Yes, people do extradited from Europe to the US, but if only if that crime does not carry the death sentence. I do recall the story of a US national, who murdered a police officer here in the UK, but was also wanted for murder over in the US. Justice was served here, however, he will never get extradited because of the crime he is accused of, carries the death sentence.


Besides the above, there's this thing called the ECHR. I am guessing his expensive barristers know all too well about human rights and how they can protect their client from any possible extradition.


So back to a point i made earlier.Why wouldn`t the Swedish prosecutors question him in England,after all he is only wanted for questioning?.

He has not been charged with anything and the Swedish refused to question him here and the charge being leveled is not rape,its having sex without a condom.



"In answer to questions surrounding the incidents, the following day, Chief Prosecutor Eva Finné declared, "I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape." However, Karin Rosander, from the Swedish Prosecution Authority, said Assange remained suspected of molestation."


He is to be questioned over having consensual sex without a condom.


Do you not think it a little bit strange they have gone through a 2 year extradition process to just get to question him over not wearing a condom?


Just to add about the "secret indictment"

contained in a leak of 5 million internal Stratfor messages – were examined by Rolling Stone in an investigative partnership with Wikileaks.


Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/wikileaks-stratfor-emails-a-secret-indictment-against-assange-20120228#ixzz1yQitJWWL

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So back to a point i made earlier.Why wouldn`t the Swedish prosecutors question him in England,after all he is only wanted for questioning?.

He has not been charged with anything and the Swedish refused to question him here and the charge being leveled is not rape,its having sex without a condom.



"In answer to questions surrounding the incidents, the following day, Chief Prosecutor Eva Finné declared, "I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape." However, Karin Rosander, from the Swedish Prosecution Authority, said Assange remained suspected of molestation."


He is to be questioned over having consensual sex without a condom.


Do you not think it a little bit strange they have gone through a 2 year extradition process to just get to question him over not wearing a condom?


contained in a leak of 5 million internal Stratfor messages – were examined by Rolling Stone in an investigative partnership with Wikileaks.


Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/wikileaks-stratfor-emails-a-secret-indictment-against-assange-20120228#ixzz1yQitJWWL


Why should the Swedish authorities have to come over here to question him. The supposed crime happened in Sweden, therefore it's a Swedish matter and that is where the questioning should be carried out. It's not up to Assange to determine where he should be questioned. That's not how it works.


I believe it is Assenge and his legal team that have continued to hold up the extradition process. As with anyone, not wanting to be extradited, there is nothing strage about this taking ages.

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Why should the Swedish authorities have to come over here to question him. The supposed crime happened in Sweden, therefore it's a Swedish matter and that is where the questioning should be carried out. It's not up to Assange to determine where he should be questioned. That's not how it works.


I believe it is Assenge and his legal team that have continued to hold up the extradition process. As with anyone, not wanting to be extradited, there is nothing strage about this taking ages.


Well i know if the police had not charged me with anything and said fly over here for some questions i would shout a few expletives at them.


I know you didn`t watch the 1 minute video from a few posts above now from an extradition lawyer.


After arriving in Sweden he can be "temporarily" transferred to the US for prosecution in the US.After the "prosecution" has taken place he can be transferred back to Sweden.That would be done under agreement with the 2 countries but "after the prosecution" could mean after he has served a life sentence for espionage in the US.


Of course though he has nothing to fear by being extradited for "questioning"

to Sweden.

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Well i know if the police had not charged me with anything and said fly over here for some questions i would shout a few expletives at them.


I know you didn`t watch the 1 minute video from a few posts above now from an extradition lawyer.


After arriving in Sweden he can be "temporarily" transferred to the US for prosecution in the US.After the "prosecution" has taken place he can be transferred back to Sweden.That would be done under agreement with the 2 countries but "after the prosecution" could mean after he has served a life sentence for espionage in the US.


Of course though he has nothing to fear by being extradited for "questioning"

to Sweden.


Shout all you want. The fact is, if they want to question you it usually has to be done with the force/country where the crime was committed.


As for the lawyer statement. It's all what ifs which has not been backed up by the US authorities.

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Shout all you want. The fact is, if they want to question you it usually has to be done with the force/country where the crime was committed.


As for the lawyer statement. It's all what ifs which has not been backed up by the US authorities.


But the whole point is he fears its a setup and he is to be extradited to the US.Would you not do everything you could to prevent it if it were you?

Its not as easy to extradite from the UK as Sweden.The nearest case is Gary mcKinnon and that has been opposed in the courts for about 9 years.


Quotes from stratfors leaked 5 million emails.


The WikiLeaks founder’s name appears 2102 times in their emails over the past two years. The venom reserved for Assange (and Bradley Manning, too) in the internal email traffic is intense: "astonishing douchebaggery," says one analyst in relation to Assange. Writes another, referring to the sexual misconduct allegations against Assange, as well as his family background: "getting a rapist off the street is getting a rapist off the street. Also, his mom owns a puppet theater." The same analyst continues in another email: "I look forward to Manning and Assange facing a bajillion-thousand counts of espionage." A final note from yet another Sratfor analyst, sent after the arrest of 16 Anonymous hacktivists last July: "These assholes should get the death sentence, along with their hero Julian=Assange."


"Burton's information had the ring of truth. As Salon's Glenn Greenwald reported last May, a secret grand jury had begun taking testimony from Wikileaks supporters in a courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia. In December, during the pre-trial hearings of Bradley Manning, the Army private who allegedly gave WikiLeaks a huge trove of classified information in 2009, prosecutors repeatedly tried to convince the judge that Assange had conspired with Manning to release the data. Assange’s own lawyers had warned of a possible indictment a month before Burton said one existed."


In Sweden the media aspect is hostile towards Assange due to the allegations leveled at him.In Britain the Media and public are a lot more sympathetic towards him and make extradition a whole lot tougher due to public pressure.


I think i would seek asylum too.

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Don't you think he should be extradited to Sweden to face the rape and sexual assault charges?


Like the former head of the IMF Assange was set up in order to shut him up. Its the stuff of movies. He is a whistle blower and to extradite him to the US or Sweden would send the message to all other whistle blowers that "We will have you one way or the other so keep you uncomfortable facts to yourself"

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But the whole point is he fears its a setup and he is to be extradited to the US.Would you not do everything you could to prevent it if it were you?

Its not as easy to extradite from the UK as Sweden.The nearest case is Gary mcKinnon and that has been opposed in the courts for about 9 years.


Quotes from stratfors leaked 5 million emails.


The WikiLeaks founder’s name appears 2102 times in their emails over the past two years. The venom reserved for Assange (and Bradley Manning, too) in the internal email traffic is intense: "astonishing douchebaggery," says one analyst in relation to Assange. Writes another, referring to the sexual misconduct allegations against Assange, as well as his family background: "getting a rapist off the street is getting a rapist off the street. Also, his mom owns a puppet theater." The same analyst continues in another email: "I look forward to Manning and Assange facing a bajillion-thousand counts of espionage." A final note from yet another Sratfor analyst, sent after the arrest of 16 Anonymous hacktivists last July: "These assholes should get the death sentence, along with their hero Julian=Assange."


"Burton's information had the ring of truth. As Salon's Glenn Greenwald reported last May, a secret grand jury had begun taking testimony from Wikileaks supporters in a courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia. In December, during the pre-trial hearings of Bradley Manning, the Army private who allegedly gave WikiLeaks a huge trove of classified information in 2009, prosecutors repeatedly tried to convince the judge that Assange had conspired with Manning to release the data. Assange’s own lawyers had warned of a possible indictment a month before Burton said one existed."


In Sweden the media aspect is hostile towards Assange due to the allegations leveled at him.In Britain the Media and public are a lot more sympathetic towards him and make extradition a whole lot tougher due to public pressure.


I think i would seek asylum too.


As far as I am aware, Sweden have a similar extradition treaty to that of the UK.


As for name dropping in those emails. That's all it is, nothing more. It hardly acts as evidence suggesting the US want him dead. They are personal opinions of individuals, not statements issued by the state, relating to Essange.

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Why should the Swedish authorities have to come over here to question him. The supposed crime happened in Sweden, therefore it's a Swedish matter and that is where the questioning should be carried out. It's not up to Assange to determine where he should be questioned. That's not how it works.


I believe it is Assenge and his legal team that have continued to hold up the extradition process. As with anyone, not wanting to be extradited, there is nothing strage about this taking ages.


But they could come and speak to him here.

It would have been much easier and I suspect cheaper than this circus.

Or perhaps just send him a leaflet about the dangers of not wearing a condom.

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But they could come and speak to him here.

It would have been much easier and I suspect cheaper than this circus.

Or perhaps just send him a leaflet about the dangers of not wearing a condom.


Why would they come here when the crime he's accused of didn't happen here? How's about this... maybe it would have been easier and cheaper for him to go back to Sweden and speak to the police and then maybe, they could have given him a leaflet in person :)

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A "secret" indictment?! Not much of secret, it is, if you know about it.


Yes, people do extradited from Europe to the US, but if only if that crime does not carry the death sentence. I do recall the story of a US national, who murdered a police officer here in the UK, but was also wanted for murder over in the US. Justice was served here, however, he will never get extradited because of the crime he is accused of, carries the death sentence.


Besides the above, there's this thing called the ECHR. I am guessing his expensive barristers know all too well about human rights and how they can protect their client from any possible extradition to the US.


Well that's all well and good, but when the US administration can't be arsed with all that malarkey, they just use extraordinary rendition, do they not?

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