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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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They should, but I can't see them sweating too much. A large percentage of people who are likely to dodge taxes probably vote Conservative and Disasterous Dave doesn't want to risk losing their vote. Would any votes lost by clamping down on tax evasion be offset by the number of votes won by introducing such measures? I think not.


That because a large percentage of people that don’t vote conservative don’t pay tax. :) One of the most hypocrite tax dodgers was Tony Blair and his intricate network of companies that he used to avoid paying it.

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But , has also make a killing in the process ,and will no doubt have a nice little offshore bank account nicely topped up with all the cash he saved.


That's right,it's not as though he'll have to pay any of it back....

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Can we not all use this scheme to avoid sorry pay less tax. Just Watching the Tv and a charity ad was asking for just £2 in order to give a child clean water. Now these people save millions by using tax schemes only to squander on a lavish lifestyle, we are all part of a moraly corrupt world are we not?

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Wow so JC pays less tax........anyone who says they want to pay more than they have to is an idiot! FACT!


Have people forgot about the fiasco of Mps claims for 2nd houses & subsidised booze & snap in the commons?


The TRUE fact is that MP's make law through statutes & judges enforce these laws. The MPs have been made to look stupid as they haven't got the correct laws in place!


So bankers **** up & make Europe near on bankrupt & all get bonuses for it.....and MPs don't have the correct statutes in place to collect tax revenue......me wonders if a pay rise or bonus maybe on the cards here?


.....and these are all professions that are university educated.......we're doomed I tell the' !!!!!!!

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He got heckled at a show last night and couldn't come up with any snappy comebacks.
You'd have thought he'd have been prepared for that, and asked his scriptwriters to come up with some witty ripostes to cover the eventuality. :)


Or maybe he thought that most of his fans would be like some of the people on here, and full of admiration for his ingenuity in avoiding his dues? I'm so glad I always thought he was weird and unfunny, as it's always dispiriting to find your idols have feet of clay.

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