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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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What surprises me is that this seems to have come as a surprise to some people. Of course the rich avoid paying tax. Always have, always will.


That's an issue groups like Occupy (sorry, dirty word on here) have been trying to raise. Instead, we're being encouraged by the media to pick on the unemployed, immigrants, public sector workers, in fact anyone to divert attention away from that fact.


Meanwhile the rich smugly continue to count their ill-gotten gains, secure in the knowledge that no one's pointing the finger at them.


This may come as a surprise Anna but everyone tries to avoid paying more tax than they have to...unless you send HMRC an extra cheque every month then you're doing exactly the same..

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Many amongst us are more than willing to pay more in interest for a car loan than tax on our incomes. Socielty is greedy and becoming more so. We are all becoming out of control consumers. We deserve what ever comes to us. Learn to live a more simple life were ironicaly a LAUGH with friends is a big part of what makes you happy. I can't laugh at the Jimmy's jokes no more because the jokes on the rest of us over taxed masses.

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Many amongst us are more than willing to pay more in interest for a car loan than tax on our incomes. Socielty is greedy and becoming more so. We are all becoming out of control consumers. We deserve what ever comes to us. Learn to live a more simple life were ironicaly a LAUGH with friends is a big part of what makes you happy. I can't laugh at the Jimmy's jokes no more because the jokes on the rest of us over taxed masses.


Spot on, couldn't agree more.

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Guest sibon
This may come as a surprise Anna but everyone tries to avoid paying more tax than they have to...unless you send HMRC an extra cheque every month then you're doing exactly the same..


That isn't quite true. I pay slightly more tax than I have to, because to do otherwise I'd have to submit a tax return. I can't be bothered to do so and the state gains roughly £50 a year on the deal.

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Undoubtably that goes on but it is hardly fair to blame the (1%). That's a myth that the left love to foster.




Top 1% of earners contribute almost a third of all the income tax paid into Treasury coffers


By James Chapman

UPDATED: 16:35, 27 February 2012


The highest-earning 1 per cent of Britons pay almost 30 per cent of all income taxes, according to research.


The 308,000 on the 50p top rate – who earn more than £150,000 – pay £47billion a year to the Treasury.


Since 2000, the share of tax paid by the highest earners has risen from 22.2 to 27.7 per cent.


Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2107031/UK-Budget-2012-Top-1-earners-contribute-income-tax.html#ixzz1yQ9i8kc1


Perhaps if the top rate wasn't as high as 50% (+2% NIC) and high earning people were not faced with the prospect of handing more than half of their earnings to the state, they would not feel the need to use tax avoidance schemes as they may accept a lower rate.

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Undoubtably that goes on but it is hardly fair to blame the (1%). That's a myth that the left love to foster.




Top 1% of earners contribute almost a third of all the income tax paid into Treasury coffers


By James Chapman

UPDATED: 16:35, 27 February 2012


The highest-earning 1 per cent of Britons pay almost 30 per cent of all income taxes, according to research.


The 308,000 on the 50p top rate – who earn more than £150,000 – pay £47billion a year to the Treasury.


Since 2000, the share of tax paid by the highest earners has risen from 22.2 to 27.7 per cent.


Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2107031/UK-Budget-2012-Top-1-earners-contribute-income-tax.html#ixzz1yQ9i8kc1


Of course this doesn't include Jimmy Carr, who, if he's paying income tax of £3,500, must be on a declared income of around 20k.

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Guest sibon
I winced when I heard his comments because he is very unwise to call Jimmy Carr immoral when you look at who funds the Tories and Lib Dems. Their tax arrangements aren't going to stand up to any scrutiny at all.


I agree. The whole tax system is a mess and needs simplifying. We have super rich individuals and corporations running rings around HMRC.


I've no idea what the answer is, but villification of a few soft targets won't make much difference. Enjoyable as it is to see Carr's hypocrisy laid bare, his tax avoidance pales into insignificance when measured against Boots or Vodaphone or...

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That isn't quite true. I pay slightly more tax than I have to, because to do otherwise I'd have to submit a tax return. I can't be bothered to do so and the state gains roughly £50 a year on the deal.


Your decision to over pay is hardly due to altruism or a sense of morality..... :)

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Guest sibon
Your decision to over pay is hardly due to altruism or a sense of morality..... :)


No. It is more based on cost/benefit. But I do it voluntarily.:)

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