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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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I'm not blaming him for avoiding tax, or for being able to buy his £8.5m house in cash, good luck to him. I'm scornful of him for being the sort of mealymouthed hypocrite that makes part of his living lambasting and poking fun at his own ilk, people who deprive others whilst feathering their own nests.


Do it by all means, if you want to, but don't pretend to be holier-than-thou at the same time. It's despicable.


that wasn't the issue I was talking about, his comedy sucks so he doesn't get my money anyway:D


In fact why not aim the anger at the idiots that give him the money in the first place.

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If Jimmy Carr had brought his tax payment down to levels that most of us pay, I think that the public would have been a little more tolerant of him. It's the fact that he's earned so much, but contributed so little to this country is what leaves the sour taste in the mouth.

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If Jimmy Carr had brought his tax payment down to levels that most of us pay, I think that the public would have been a little more tolerant of him. It's the fact that he's earned so much, but contributed so little to this country is what leaves the sour taste in the mouth.


but then why not aim that sour taste at the corporations (that do it at a whole new level) and other individuals, why is he getting it in the neck:huh:


I can't get over the idea that the real people to blame are the accountants-is that just me? They are the ones giving individuals and corporations the means to "avoid" tax.

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Its ridiculous that anyone can pay tax at that low rate but who wouldn't use that rate if they had the option-I don't understand why the media are having a go at him, have a go at the people that have not closed the loop hole!


Exactly, I dont agree with what he's done, but surely the government and previous governments are equally to blame for allowing this to carry on. Let's face it their morals went out the window with the expenses scandal.

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but then why not aim that sour taste at the corporations (that do it at a whole new level) and other individuals, why is he getting it in the neck:huh:


Politics maybe? Politicians have been know to dabble in it's dark arts from time to time. Especially since then Ken Livingstone fure, there does seem to be a ground swell of opinion.


Or maybe it could boil to the simple truth that it's a lot easier to scapegoat a person rather than a faceless company?

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The biggest mystery to me is why Jimmy Carr is famous,and why so many people find him funny.


Maybe he is doing a similar thing to those other unfunny comedians that seem to be constantly on TV.


Gervais, Brand and several others have their own high power promotion companies and as most are friends this sort of thing will probably be common among them as well.


Carr is now apologetic as he can see now how his future will be affected.

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but then why not aim that sour taste at the corporations (that do it at a whole new level) and other individuals, why is he getting it in the neck:huh:


I can't get over the idea that the real people to blame are the accountants-is that just me? They are the ones giving individuals and corporations the means to "avoid" tax.


In the same vein then you could say why criticise the politicians for the expenses debacle..they were all signed off by someone else...

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In the same vein then you could say why criticise the politicians for the expenses debacle..they were all signed off by someone else...


but they are the ones setting the rules so we expect them to be moral (or rather we wish they were moral). They also work for us!

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Its not illegal though so it should be made illegal. Blame the accountant and the government before you blame him. Its not like he thought of it himself.


It has emerged that Carr was involved in a similar scheme that was closed down in 2009. It would seem he is not the semi-ignorant new kid on the block where tax avoidance is concerned.


In 2009 it seems that his terrible errors of judgement helped him pay 8million in cash for a house.

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I can't get over the idea that the real people to blame are the accountants-is that just me? They are the ones giving individuals and corporations the means to "avoid" tax.
They are providing a service, made possible by the Gvt and lawmakers, in response to a demand for the service. Why should they be blamed any more (or less) than users of such services?


The "blame" lies squarely and unambiguously at the foot of the Gvt and lawmaking bodies of the land, who could make the whole issue disappear at the stroke of a bit of law-making (i.e. purge the tax code, à la purge of the benefits' maze into the universal credit).


But then, of course, they will then get it in the neck just as much for frightening the said corporations (and their local jobs) away...because other countries'regime will then appear still more tax-friendly after such changes.


Proverbial rock and a hard place - do you want to trade places? ;)

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