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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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I take it slightly different, seems to me like if it'd been a multimillionaire Tory politician caught out like this, the ones who think Carr is ok for doing it, would be frothing and jumping up and down about it.


Because it's a multmillionaire they find acceptable, even though he's taking the **** really, they think it's ok. He must have fiddled avoided a helluva lot of tax to be able to buy an £8m house for cash :) He's not that funny!

fiddled is very different to "avoided"

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Not at all.


In my case I'm angry because I have to provide a vital public service with fewer and fewer resources as we get squeezed harder by a Government that is engaging in an ideological attack on public services.


Carr, Vodaphone, Barlow etc all rely on my "product" to live their comfortable lives, but they are unwilling to pay for it.


It is time that the majority sent a strong signal to the greedy minority that the party is over.


Yes and it's interesting that most Tories who belive in less government interference and the 'nanny state', are now defending the avoidance of tax because the letter of the law doesn't dictate it to them.

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jealous of cameron ?? not at all..........am no fan of his.............wishy washey, weak willed....hes also the last person i would want to be!

the fact remains that so many are jealous that they cant or dont earn enough to do what Jimmy carr and thousands of others do...AVOID TAX!! legally, i and i bet every company director and self employed person on this forum has an accountant or advisor who they employ to minimise their tax bill.

so i will ask the question again who on here wants to pay more than they are legally obliged to in TAX ???......the silence is deafening!


Haha I was referring to Carr, not Cameron.

But like I said before I wouldn't want to be Carr - I don't like his humour, not jealous of his wealth or background (though I acknowledge that you are) or his social standing

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Haha I was referring to Carr, not Cameron.

why on earth would i be jealous of Carr?? not that funny, not that good looking:gag: so hes sucessful and can avoid tax?? why am i jealous? i am not, just dont see the problem with legally avoiding tax, i do it and have done for years legally .....albeit on a much smaller scale:P as i said before like any self employed person or company director;)

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why on earth would i be jealous of Carr?? not that funny, not that good looking:gag: so hes sucessful and can avoid tax?? why am i jealous? i am not, just dont see the problem with legally avoiding tax, i do it and have done for years legally .....albeit on a much smaller scale:P as i said before like any self employed person or company director;)


Because more often than not people judge others by their own standards.

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To an extent, I agree. We should be angry about the amount of money spent on non essentials by our Government.


However, that is a completely different argument.


At issue here is the fact that we have a sub-section of society that rely on a strong infrastructure to make their vast amounts of money. They then go to extraordinary lengths to avoid paying for the services that make their businesses possible. We should all be angry about that.


I'd welcome a clampdown on these parasites. Sadly, I suspect that we are simply witnessing some posturing from a Tory government that is in crisis.


Most of us rely on this infrastructure but most of us aren’t asked to pay half our income for it, I use just as much, if not more than they do, yet I am expected to pay significantly less than them, and I resent paying what little I pay because I see how it is wasted. I can't blame someone for doing everything in their power to avoid paying it.

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im sorry to be a bit like a loop tape recorder, but its human nature to feather a nest, and the doctors strike today is proof of that. the firemen strike for more pay, the council workers strike for more pay and pensions...the list is obviously longer....but all these examples are for one thing and one thing only. the want for more money in your pocket. it isnt the "minority" as you state. its the "majority" because anyone who says they would put the countries tax affairs at the top of their morals list is a lying hypocrite. each one of us has a duty to ourselves and can live a kind and caring life doing just that, whilst at the same time safeguarding our own personal finances. it dosent make you a monster to think like this, and its unfortunate that jimmy carr is such a high profile individual, because if it were a normal joe bloggs like me, no chuff would give a hoot, or would say "you saved a tenner on your morrisonsons bill with a free voucher dave? well done mate"


Or to put it another way as the judge Lord Clyde did in 1933:


"No man in this country is under the smallest obligation, moral or other, so to arrange his legal relations to his business or his property as to enable the Inland Revenue to put the largest possible shovel into his stores”.

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why on earth would i be jealous of Carr?? not that funny, not that good looking:gag: so hes sucessful and can avoid tax?? why am i jealous? i am not, just dont see the problem with legally avoiding tax, i do it and have done for years legally .....albeit on a much smaller scale:P as i said before like any self employed person or company director;)


good post. yes, carr is dosent have the best passport photo, but his passport photo probably pays less tax than my passport photo does, and mines not that nice either. good on him, and im sorry he is being witch-hunted by the tory mafia and the "peoples people" on here that seem to think they would put morality before a few extra quid in the gas meter. the utter hypocracy of these "people" is sickening beyond belief. its just a thought, but do you think they would give up their sunday roast this weekend to help pay my car tax? the basis of their tirade on carr would suggest they would, but I wont lose any sleep when I smell chicken cooking around sheffield forum this weekend.

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