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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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Jimmy Carr tried to avoid paying tax. The inland revenue always advertise on telly about self assessment forms being late, and you will be fined. It seems a lot of people try to avoid it, as much as they can. Ok, JC is a lot better off than a mere scrubber like me that earns the average wage, but im PAYE, so I cant muck about with my tax, but if I could, I would. I have read a lot of the posts, and it seems that a lot of people are more concerned with morality, and its disgraceful etc, but Martin Lewis has just made £87 trillion selling his very popular MoneySavingExpert website, and I wonder what made it so popular?? Could it be that more people than you know are trying to avoid paying top whack for things, and that does include tax. Why have some folk chose to condemn this guy when in reality they would do the exact same themselves, if they were in his position? I can understand that its important to pay tax, and I really dont want to have moralistic views preached to me, but I did read in the Mail that JC couldnt have avoided "no tax" at all, so he must have paid some, yet because he attempted to keep back a great deal of his "50%" worth, he is being attacked. I dont suppose its his fault this K2 scheme exists, he just climbed on board, but if loopholes appear, people will use them and its not right to judge somebody who justs want to keep more of their own money, no matter how much they earn. As long as we all pay a bit, who cares how much he,s got in the bank? Sounds a bit like playground bickering about who has the biggest bun.

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Jimmy Carr tried to avoid paying tax. The inland revenue always advertise on telly about self assessment forms being late, and you will be fined. It seems a lot of people try to avoid it, as much as they can. Ok, JC is a lot better off than a mere scrubber like me that earns the average wage, but im PAYE, so I cant muck about with my tax, but if I could, I would. I have read a lot of the posts, and it seems that a lot of people are more concerned with morality, and its disgraceful etc, but Martin Lewis has just made £87 trillion selling his very popular MoneySavingExpert website, and I wonder what made it so popular?? Could it be that more people than you know are trying to avoid paying top whack for things, and that does include tax. Why have some folk chose to condemn this guy when in reality they would do the exact same themselves, if they were in his position? I can understand that its important to pay tax, and I really dont want to have moralistic views preached to me, but I did read in the Mail that JC couldnt have avoided "no tax" at all, so he must have paid some, yet because he attempted to keep back a great deal of his "50%" worth, he is being attacked. I dont suppose its his fault this K2 scheme exists, he just climbed on board, but if loopholes appear, people will use them and its not right to judge somebody who justs want to keep more of their own money, no matter how much they earn. As long as we all pay a bit, who cares how much he,s got in the bank? Sounds a bit like playground bickering about who has the biggest bun.


I think I remember reading somewhere that Carr would have paid the equivalent tax as someone who is on minimum wage.

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I think I remember reading somewhere that Carr would have paid the equivalent tax as someone who is on minimum wage.


Ok, thats what I read in the Mail, but if that is true, and we dont really know, it seems to be the case that people are just more bothered about his wealth, rather than the actual loophole he climbed through. I can really sympathise with people who do earn a lot of money. They earn it because they are good at what they do, and the fact that they must pay 50% of their wages is scary. We like to think we live in an equal society, but are we all not responsible for what we have chosen to do in life? Im a truck driver and could never have trained to be a doctor or a lawyer, but im more than happy with my little lot, and I dont really have any issues with the bloke down my street who drives a BMW when I drive a Lada, and its obvious he has a much higher wage than me yet I dont really care how much tax he pays. I have more regard for JC than I do for some dole waller who is more comfortable living off our taxes than finding a job and paying his bit to society, but I wouldnt want him to pay anymore tax than me, even if his first gainful employment was a brain surgeon.

To me, fairness is all paying the same, no matter how much you earn.

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Ok, thats what I read in the Mail, but if that is true, and we dont really know, it seems to be the case that people are just more bothered about his wealth, rather than the actual loophole he climbed through. I can really sympathise with people who do earn a lot of money. They earn it because they are good at what they do, and the fact that they must pay 50% of their wages is scary. We like to think we live in an equal society, but are we all not responsible for what we have chosen to do in life? Im a truck driver and could never have trained to be a doctor or a lawyer, but im more than happy with my little lot, and I dont really have any issues with the bloke down my street who drives a BMW when I drive a Lada, and its obvious he has a much higher wage than me yet I dont really care how much tax he pays. I have more regard for JC than I do for some dole waller who is more comfortable living off our taxes than finding a job and paying his bit to society, but I wouldnt want him to pay anymore tax than me, even if his first gainful employment was a brain surgeon.

To me, fairness is all paying the same, no matter how much you earn.


As I said earlier, one thing is for sure, this country wouldn't exist as we know it if everyone had a choice on how much tax they pay. I think that Carr is hypocritical by using the services that the country has offered him, free at the point of use, but then then he shirks when it comes to paying the taxes that fund those services.


If we want our public services to remain free at the point of use, we need people paying the taxes. Amusingly, if the services now stopped being free at the point of use, it wouldn't effect Carr in the slightest. Whereas me and you would suffer greatly.


I also don't think that it because he's wealthy per se, I think that it's due to him be so selfish and hypocritical. If his house was broken into he'd call the police in an instant and if he or his family suddenly became seriously ill he'd ring for an ambulance straightaway.

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.......To me, fairness is all paying the same, no matter how much you earn.


That was the principle of the Poll Tax. More than any other one thing it brought down Mrs T. To me, fairness is everyone paying the same percentage of their gross earnings. There should be a flat rate, it could be so simple.

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To me, fairness is all paying the same, no matter how much you earn.


Wouldn't work. In fact nearly every time such a tax has been implemented in the last few hundred years it ended in failure.


It is the least fair tax of all. That's why it fails.

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That was the principle of the Poll Tax. More than any other one thing it brought down Mrs T. To me, fairness is everyone paying the same percentage of their gross earnings. There should be a flat rate, it could be so simple.


I'm not adverse to that idea.

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That was the principle of the Poll Tax. More than any other one thing it brought down Mrs T. To me, fairness is everyone paying the same percentage of their gross earnings. There should be a flat rate, it could be so simple.


This is how taxation should be levied in my opinion. We all pay the same level of NI, VAT etc so why not Income Tax? The more you earn the more you pay in.

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