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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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Moving the thread back to when you were discussing tax, id like your opinions on a policy i think would bring house prices back into line.


If we taxed 2nd homes + with an 80% tax on profit, and any non UK citizens on first homes too. At present we have an out of control market, whereby Londons pricing is obscene, Foreign Nationals continue to buy as the believe its a safe haven for their cash, which leaves our citizens being bailed out in housing benefits with us taking hits on ever increasing rents. Meanwhile outside of the M25 it has stagnated, and the high street is slowly dying due to obscene landlord pricing. Its a mess and we are subsiding the rich through the back door again. Every family should be entitled to want to buy their own home at an affordable price and most people aspire to this. Housing is an necessity. By heavily taxing 2nd homes and homes of non UK tax payers, we ensure that any subsidies we create, is given back to ourselves and not back in their pockets. For existing second homers, they dont have to pay unless they make a profit, but at 80% tax, it keeps speculators out of the market.


Id like peoples thoughts to this.... constructively ;)

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Moving the thread back to when you were discussing tax, id like your opinions on a policy i think would bring house prices back into line.


If we taxed 2nd homes + with an 80% tax on profit, and any non UK citizens on first homes too. At present we have an out of control market, whereby Londons pricing is obscene, Foreign Nationals continue to buy as the believe its a safe haven for their cash, which leaves our citizens being bailed out in housing benefits with us taking hits on ever increasing rents. Meanwhile outside of the M25 it has stagnated, and the high street is slowly dying due to obscene landlord pricing. Its a mess and we are subsiding the rich through the back door again. Every family should be entitled to want to buy their own home at an affordable price and most people aspire to this. Housing is an necessity. By heavily taxing 2nd homes and homes of non UK tax payers, we ensure that any subsidies we create, is given back to ourselves and not back in their pockets. For existing second homers, they dont have to pay unless they make a profit, but at 80% tax, it keeps speculators out of the market.


Id like peoples thoughts to this.... constructively ;)


Yes yes and yes. Except 100% on second homes instead of 80%. Then only NPOs would bother.

Sooner the grasping landlords are fed to the sharks, the better.

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Just a thought (dunno if it's been raised in the 504 posts I can't be bothered trawling through), does anybody seriously think Carr is the only one 'at it'? If these peddlers of dodgy tax vehicles approached him, you can bet they've been on to the armies of unfunny 'stand up comedians', 'celebrity chefs' etc.


Something to bear in mind when these people are next haranguing you to hand your money over on Red Nose Day, Children in Need etc.

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Just a thought (dunno if it's been raised in the 504 posts I can't be bothered trawling through), does anybody seriously think Carr is the only one 'at it'? If these peddlers of dodgy tax vehicles approached him, you can bet they've been on to the armies of unfunny 'stand up comedians', 'celebrity chefs' etc.


Something to bear in mind when these people are next haranguing you to hand your money over on Red Nose Day, Children in Need etc.


Of course he's not the only one at it, but for some reason Disasterous Dave has decided to make him the Scapegoat.

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Don't start a new thread, just email any major supermarket. They know exactly which people buy what, when they buy it and how much they will pay.


I don't think we're going to learn a lot about the car or yacht buying behaviour of the rich from Tescos.

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they wouldnt be employees thou under this new scheme they would be self employed and afforded the same tax evasion dodges as jc so whats the problem :huh::hihi:


HMRC would disagree and take the employees and the employer to court to prove their point.

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Of course he's not the only one at it, but for some reason Disasterous Dave has decided to make him the Scapegoat.
I thought it was more that the media found out about Jimmy Carr's money saving activities over the years, and they decided to make him a scapegoat? Didn't they beard the PM coming out of some meeting or another and ask him questions about his opinions on it? It seemed more that Carr had upset someone in the meeja, rather than in the government.


I thought it was quite amusing the way he kept saying it wasn't 'fair' as though he was talking about some kid's playground tiff. My main beef with Carr is that he's a damnable hypocrite for lambasting tax avoiders, whilst having his snout in the same trough.


For many people 'fair' doesn't really come into it where money is concerned, does it? Look at the amount of people on here that are happy to tell the world that they'd keep lost money they found rather than hand it in.

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Moving the thread back to when you were discussing tax, id like your opinions on a policy i think would bring house prices back into line.


If we taxed 2nd homes + with an 80% tax on profit, and any non UK citizens on first homes too. At present we have an out of control market, whereby Londons pricing is obscene, Foreign Nationals continue to buy as the believe its a safe haven for their cash, which leaves our citizens being bailed out in housing benefits with us taking hits on ever increasing rents. Meanwhile outside of the M25 it has stagnated, and the high street is slowly dying due to obscene landlord pricing. Its a mess and we are subsiding the rich through the back door again. Every family should be entitled to want to buy their own home at an affordable price and most people aspire to this. Housing is an necessity. By heavily taxing 2nd homes and homes of non UK tax payers, we ensure that any subsidies we create, is given back to ourselves and not back in their pockets. For existing second homers, they dont have to pay unless they make a profit, but at 80% tax, it keeps speculators out of the market.


Id like peoples thoughts to this.... constructively ;)


You could change it into a holiday rental business asset, all expenses (and council tax) tax deductible. If you had to sell at a price that was lower than the purchase price, the loss can be set against future tax liabilities. Under the rules, you are also allowed (occasionally) to holiday there.


Also, some people have a second home as they work for long periods in another part of the country.

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You could change it into a holiday rental business asset, all expenses (and council tax) tax deductible. If you had to sell at a price that was lower than the purchase price, the loss can be set against future tax liabilities. Under the rules, you are also allowed (occasionally) to holiday there.


Also, some people have a second home as they work for long periods in another part of the country.


I think there will be a few anomilies similar to this, and obviously you would have to put amendments in to cover legitimate concerns.

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