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Jimmy Carr, tax avoidance, and morality

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I can't really see any front line politician using tax any avoidance schemes.


Really? You must be joking. This is what some people on SF have been banging on about for years, especially when people begrudge the poor sods on benefit their pittance.


Cameron has attacked Jimmy Carr for tax avoidance, not tax evasion, and this practice is rife (almost a duty) amongst the rich. In fact the richer you are, the more loopholes a good accountant can exploit.


I think you're going to be very surprised when you see what percentage of their annual income almost EVERYONE with money actually pays compared to you and me.

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TV appearances, DVD sales, tours, personal appearances.


What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but loseth his soul, it was once said.

I never was a fan of this bloke, but by god he has lost his credibility, if not his soul on this one I think :hihi:

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Really? You must be joking. This is what some people on SF have been banging on about for years, especially when people begrudge the poor sods on benefit their pittance.


Cameron has attacked Jimmy Carr for tax avoidance, not tax evasion, and this practice is rife (almost a duty) amongst the rich. In fact the richer you are, the more loopholes a good accountant can exploit.


I think you're going to be very surprised when you see what percentage of their annual income almost EVERYONE with money actually pays compared to you and me.


After seeing the kicking that Ken Livingstone got, I think that it'd political suicide at the moment for a front line politician. I personally think that the "Carr" scheme also crosses over the line between avoidance and evasion.


One thing is for sure it will be interesting to see how this'll all pan out.

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What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but loseth his soul, it was once said.

I never was a fan of this bloke, but by god he has lost his credibility, if not his soul on this one I think :hihi:


He does seem to be on tour a lot. I personally would rather have the time with my family, and not earn as much.

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Cameron has even offered England as a tax haven for rich Frenchman who are about to be hit with a 70% top rate of tax if new President Hollande gets his way.


All this can be avoided if all countries had the same top rate of tax. And considering how many meetings they've had lately that would be easy to arrange. Then everyone would pay tax in the country they are domiciled in as there would be no advantage to paying it elsewhere.

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I didn't even know Carr was a left winger.


It's nothing to do with being right or left wing,

it's about being rich or not.


About being part of the 1% or the 99%.


About whether you pay tax via PAYE, or make your own tax arrangements with very clever teams of accountants.

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