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Who was the last British monarch to be killed?

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There was no King Non-Fluffy Wasp the III no matter HOW many times you claim there was. Trufax.

I'm sure that if Queen Victoria was alive today (in a not been poisoned to death kind of way), it'd be 'Off with your head' for suggesting such a thing! This is a serious thread! :rolleyes::)

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Without even having to resort to Google, I can safely state that it was Queen Victoria.

She was poisoned in 1836 as an outcome of licking the back of the first postage stamp ever invented ... the notorious Penny Yellow! The yellow pigment was of course arsenic. The 'Philatelic Poisoner', a certain Stanley Unwin-Gibbons then legged it back to the island of St Helena where he'd previously (up to 1821) owned a successful yellow wallpaper manufacturing business in partnership with the exiled Napoleon Bonaparte.


('Alcopedia' note ... Queen Victoria was buried in her beloved city of Turin (August 23rd 1836) in a paupers grave, wrapped only in a simple linen tablecloth which later went missing)


Did she have a beard, i'm sure i've seen something like that in the news lately.

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